Message 34181

From :"Alan L.M. Buxey" <>
Subject: [afb] Re: (Fwd) call charges and 'free' ISP's
Date: Tue, 26 Oct 1999 17:29:16 +0100 (BST)
On Tue, 26 Oct 1999, Chris Andrews wrote:

>   No, we would have all be extinct by the time it finished rendering ;)

i've just been sent some 'jurassic park' dinos rendered in Imagine
5.whatever-it-is (i do like my dinos!....) with the powerPC - and some
timings (some people may remember me saying about contemplating the im4
-> im5.x CUP move... anyway, the images and the timings have made me
very happy about the PPC version of Imagine.. i'm sure a few Amigas with
PPc's could render an epsiode worth of dino's in not too much time :-)


Message 34182

From :"Alan L.M. Buxey" <>
Subject: [afb] Re: (Fwd) call charges and 'free' ISP's
Date: Tue, 26 Oct 1999 17:31:04 +0100 (BST)
On Tue, 26 Oct 1999, chris wrote:

> That statement _will_ come back and haunt you just like a certain Mr Gates.

someone who picked up on it.

anyway, yes, i've seen movies over 3 hours in length...but 8 hours?


Message 34183

From :"Alan L.M. Buxey" <>
Subject: [afb] Re: OS3.5 has arrived !!!
Date: Tue, 26 Oct 1999 17:33:14 +0100 (BST)
On Tue, 26 Oct 1999, Sealey, M. wrote:

> 1) AmigaOS can't do multithreading, the architecture of Exec almost
> makes it impossible. Unless you want to rewrite it from scratch and
> break almost every app on the planet?

? AmigaOS is threaded ...its the workbench which needs to be threaded
> 2) AmigaOS can't support memory protection without also breaking
> almost every app on the planet. The best you'll get is to install
> Guardian Angel (Aminet) or it's equivalent in the mmu.library
> package. Then you get a memory protected OS in the sense that
> it'll TRAP illegal memory accesses, but probably still crash
> your Amiga.

memory protection is nice to have...and if it break things? well, it
depends how much it breaks and what it breaks...most apps and things
which are still under development can be fixed. if you rely on a c. 1993
tool to do your tasks..then either you're not in a good situation, or
you'll have to try to get the program updated


Message 34184

From :"Richard Drummond" <>
Subject: [afb] Re: OS3.5 has arrived !!!
Date: Tue, 26 Oct 1999 17:34:32 +0100 (BST)
Hi Matt

On 26-Oct-99, you wrote:

> Multithreading in it's most useful form when running on
> two processors. Multithreading is what people like BeOS
> for.

Distributed processsing vs Multiprocessing vs Multithreading?

We need to get our terminology sorted here. :)

> Yeah, but multithreading can be done on the Amiga. Simply
> spawn a new task from your own and get it to do some other
> stuff in the background while your main task does something
> else. Get it to send a message to your public message port
> when it's done.
> But on one processor? What's the point? 

Light weight threads are run within the context of a kernel task. They hence
have less overhead and cost than a kernel task.

As I said, this is not such an issue on the Amiga becuase tasks are fairly
low overhead anyway.

However, it is the task that controls the scheduling of its threads. An
application will generally know better how to schedule its threads than a
higher level scheduler.

Richard Drummond
Staff Writer, Amiga Format

pgp   :
phone : +44 (0)1225 442244 ext 2417

Message 34185

From :"Ben Vost" <>
Subject: [afb] Re: OS3.5 has arrived !!!
Date: Tue, 26 Oct 1999 17:34:00 +0100
Hi Alan,

> didnt Greg get a pre-release to work with? :-|

> oh least they just have to use the new icon.library stuff

He was on the beta list and fought against the change that made Opus
incompatible with OS3.5, to no avail.

All the best,
Ben Vost (x2337)                T: (+44) 01225 442244
Editor, Amiga Format            F: (+44) 01225 732275
             PGP key available upon request
"Can I have one of those chocolates?"
Tom said candidly.

Message 34186

From :Chris Andrews <>
Subject: [afb] Re: OS3.5 has arrived !!!
Date: Tue, 26 Oct 1999 16:46:58 +0000 (GMT)
On Tue, 26 Oct 1999, Sealey, M. wrote:
> But on one processor? What's the point? 

  That a task can be handling other jobs whilst it would otherwise be
forced into a wait state?
> Which, essentially, is my point :)

  The benefits may still be applicable?



Message 34187

From :"Sealey, M." <>
Subject: [afb] Re: OS3.5 has arrived !!!
Date: Tue, 26 Oct 1999 17:54:14 +0100
> On Tue, 26 Oct 1999, Sealey, M. wrote:
> > But on one processor? What's the point? 
> That a task can be handling other jobs whilst it would otherwise be
> forced into a wait state?

When both tasks are fully loaded, you slow them both down
by making them wait for each other - multitasking!
> > Which, essentially, is my point :)
> The benefits may still be applicable?

Maybe, but not until you broke half the apps on the planet.

Matt Sealey 
Distributed Systems Support
Computer Centre
University of Leicester

Message 34188

From :"Sealey, M." <>
Subject: [afb] Re: OS3.5 has arrived !!!
Date: Tue, 26 Oct 1999 17:57:59 +0100
> Hi Matt
> On 26-Oct-99, you wrote:
> > Multithreading in it's most useful form when running on
> > two processors. Multithreading is what people like BeOS
> > for.
> Distributed processsing vs Multiprocessing vs Multithreading?
> We need to get our terminology sorted here. :)

I do, but you know what I mean :) BeOS supports proper
multithreading. It's not a chore or a workaround to set
it up. You spawn a thread, and it goes off and does it's
thing, either on the same or a different processor.

To implement it on the Amiga in such a way, you'd have
to make a new API to use it, extend Exec.

Old apps wouldn't use it. Benefits cancelled :)

New apps *would* use it, but given the time it takes to
usher in a new API around here, we'd have all moved to
Neutrino. Or BeOS :)

> However, it is the task that controls the scheduling of its 
> threads. An application will generally know better how to
> schedule its threads than a higher level scheduler.


Matt Sealey 
Distributed Systems Support
Computer Centre
University of Leicester

Message 34189

From :Chris Andrews <>
Subject: [afb] Re: OS3.5 has arrived !!!
Date: Tue, 26 Oct 1999 17:02:01 +0000 (GMT)
On Tue, 26 Oct 1999, Sealey, M. wrote:
> > That a task can be handling other jobs whilst it would otherwise be
> > forced into a wait state?
> When both tasks are fully loaded, you slow them both down
> by making them wait for each other - multitasking!

  It's all scenario specific I guess.

> Maybe, but not until you broke half the apps on the planet.

  That's assuming that the addition of new functionality would break it in
this fashion.  But then I have no idea of how this would be implemented,
so I'll shut up.



Message 34190

From :Frost <>
Subject: [afb] Net Connect 3 : some thoughts...
Date: Tue, 26 Oct 1999 18:06:19 +0100
Hi People,

Just installed Netconnect 3 today. There are however a few teething problems.
I thought I'd let you lot know in case someone else is having the same
problems. BTW, I am an existing NC 2 user who has just upgraded.

1.  Voyager - instant crash. Reboot necessary. I was previously using V3 pre 4
without problems (apart from the fact that it timed out since it wasn't
registered yet). The new button files are a different size - slightly larger,
so they've been changed. The Voyager executable seems to have changed too -
might be a CPU-optimised version, I guess.

This is not too bad as I found my original V3pre4 installation now works and
is registered. Maybes it's this CD version that's got a problem then.

2.  Webvision - same as Voyager. Except that I can't fix that using the above
method, obviously.

(All other programs seem to work fine though, and although I haven't had any
time to try them yet, they look very intriguing.)

3. Octopus. The MUI gadgets can be selected in the preferences, but they won't
appear on the title bar! I had real trouble trying to snapshot the dock window
to where I wanted, until I found that you can also bring up a snapshot and
other basic options methods by right-clicking on the dock icons themselves.
May be useful for others with similar problems.

Who's the best person to pass these comments along to? Chris Wiles? Vaporware?
The individual authors / bug lists? All of these?

More importantly, andyone on this list got any quick fixes for these before I
look elsewhere?


"Bother," said Frost, as Hannibal Lector arrived for tea.

Message 34191

From :"Alan L.M. Buxey" <>
Subject: [afb] Re: Hideously unstable Amiga shock!
Date: Tue, 26 Oct 1999 18:14:11 +0100 (BST)
On Tue, 26 Oct 1999 wrote:

> What I mean by 'crash' is complete lockup ie. mouse won't move, no
> keyboard input, no screen dragging etc.

hmmm, are you *sure* that the Amiga hasnt just flipped all its output
to the native AGA output.. ..use Amiga-M and Amiga-N to test this out.


Message 34192

From :"Alan L.M. Buxey" <>
Subject: [afb] Re: Hideously unstable Amiga shock!
Date: Tue, 26 Oct 1999 18:14:53 +0100 (BST)
On Tue, 26 Oct 1999 wrote:

> > yes, your Amigas arent fast enough...  ;-)
> > 
> > alan
> I assume you mean 68k speed here...

...and the sub 200 PPC ;-)


Message 34193

From :"Alan L.M. Buxey" <>
Subject: [afb] Re: Hideously unstable Amiga shock!
Date: Tue, 26 Oct 1999 18:15:42 +0100 (BST)
On Tue, 26 Oct 1999 wrote:

> Since the BVision may *never* come, I'll wait until I get the thing
> before ordering CGFX4.1: I've already got Wipout2097 on pre-order!

oh! dont worry, i'm just advising you for when/if you do get a gfx card


Message 34194

From :Matthew O'Neill <>
Subject: [afb] Re: AF130 - Month in view
Date: Mon, 25 Oct 1999 18:25:36 +0100
Somewhere around 25-Oct-99, you spewed some some gumph about [afb] Re: AF130
- Month in view

>> And what does that have to do with anything I've said? You're getting
>> more Sealeyish everyday

> You took the piss saying I was replying to Neil Bothwick when I was
> actually replying to Alan Buxey - I've just shown the actual reply an thus
> proving you WRONG -- so what, now you're denying you said it in the first
> place? Sort it out mate - no one likes a fool (except Martin!!)

That quote you put under the last mail? I never wrote a single line of that!
You're wrong!. I said something completely different, hich WAS in reply to

Mash - Innocent
                               Matthew O'Neill

I'm in shape ... round's a shape isn't it?

Message 34195

From :Matthew O'Neill <>
Subject: [afb] Re: Hideously unstable Amiga shock!
Date: Mon, 25 Oct 1999 18:34:10 +0100
On 25-Oct-99, wrote:

> It was totally stable before installed DOpus Magellen 2, and then it
> became a bit shaky. However, the problem has got worse. It seems to
> crash just as DOpus' load gauge fills. I have FBlit, RexxMast, and Arq
> in WBStartup, 

remove fblit and arq. 

Mash - 
                               Matthew O'Neill

Real Women don't get hot flashes...they get POWER SURGES.

Message 34196

From :Matthew O'Neill <>
Subject: [afb] Re: Hideously unstable Amiga shock!
Date: Mon, 25 Oct 1999 18:35:10 +0100
On 25-Oct-99, wrote:

>> Yeah Matt - and my toaster's broken; can you take a look at that too??

> I thought toaster's were NTSC only?



Mash - toasted
                               Matthew O'Neill

Oxymoron: Waiting patiently.

Message 34197

From :Matthew O'Neill <>
Subject: [afb] Re: Need A1200 Part
Date: Mon, 25 Oct 1999 18:39:26 +0100
Hi Alan
Somewhere around 24-Oct-99, you spewed some some gumph about [afb] Need
A1200 Part

> Has anybody got a spare keyboard ribbon clip for a A1200 motherboard
> that they can sell me?

You mean the small plastic bit which clamps the green ribbon to the white
chunk on the mobo? 50 should cover it (+VAT, P&P, credit card charges)

Mash - bargain
                               Matthew O'Neill


Message 34198

From :Matthew O'Neill <>
Subject: [afb] Re: OS 3.5 PIRATED!
Date: Mon, 25 Oct 1999 18:43:46 +0100
Hi M.
Somewhere around 25-Oct-99, you spewed some some gumph about [afb] Re: OS

> I think you're all in the wrong IRC channels :)

> DalNET and IRCnet suck!

Yup (damnit!, I agreed with him!) #amigacafe on undernet is 100% prick free,
they get kicked instantly

> If the script kiddies piss you off, get some scripts of your own,
> (Dwarfx is quite good for this, if only it wasn't written by our
> favourite Smurfin :) 

With his rep, I don't think it was!

Mash - 33.6 powered
                               Matthew O'Neill

Hint for Mom:  Don't teach the kids your fear of bugs.

Message 34199

From :Matthew O'Neill <>
Subject: [afb] Re: Home egroups problem
Date: Mon, 25 Oct 1999 21:05:12 +0100
On 25-Oct-99, wrote:

> Has anyone any ideas on how to get past this?  

Load the cookies into ed and delete the egroups entry. Better still, if its
v3 then use the cookie manager :)

Mash - cookie monster
                               Matthew O'Neill

"What?  Are you out of your Vulcan mind?" -- McCoy

Message 34200

From :Matthew O'Neill <>
Subject: [afb] Re: My new Email
Date: Mon, 25 Oct 1999 21:12:05 +0100
On 24-Oct-99, Patrice Champarou wrote:

> On 24-Oct-99, hilarious Matthew O'Neill wrote:

>> Oh, don't tell me you frogs have that naff AZERTY (?) crap over there?

> *  8=(...  Just asking!*            ( Who said "asking for it"? ) 

<SCOUSE> calm doon calm doon!</SCOUSE>

Mash - are ya askin'?
                               Matthew O'Neill

Does your chewing gum lose its flavor on the bedpost overnight...

Message 34201

From :Matthew O'Neill <>
Subject: [afb] Re: My new Email
Date: Mon, 25 Oct 1999 21:14:25 +0100
On 25-Oct-99, Patrice Champarou wrote:

> know how lucky you are, if you use programs like Wordworth which don't
> recognize the numeric keypad :-(

Hold shift then press NumL (left bracket) this turns numlock on, allowing
you to use the keypad :) Learn something every day eh?

Mash - 123456789
                               Matthew O'Neill

DELTA           Don't Even Leave The Airport

Message 34202

From :Matthew O'Neill <>
Subject: [afb] Re: Poll: is Richard Drummond evil?
Date: Mon, 25 Oct 1999 21:22:00 +0100
On 24-Oct-99, James Potter wrote:

> I confess! I confess!

1 million in legal aid you cost. No sympathy from me!

> James (not Richard Drummond)

Richard = Dick......... Dick Drummond bwahahahahahahha.....ehehehee.....Dick
Drummond :D

Mash - laughing, alot
                               Matthew O'Neill

I'm touching the feminine side of myself; it feels pretty good.

Message 34203

From :Matthew O'Neill <>
Subject: [afb] Re: Poll: is Richard Drummond evil?
Date: Mon, 25 Oct 1999 21:23:07 +0100
Somewhere around 25-Oct-99, you spewed some some gumph about [afb] Re: Poll:
is Richard Drummond evil?

>> ( Be strong. You're not Richard Drummpond. You're name is Throat-wobbler
>> Mangrove . . . )

> OK - who subscribed me to the Monty Python list??  :)

Not me (said in a gruff voice while wearing a false beard....)

Mash - Stone him!
                               Matthew O'Neill

Oxymoron: Extremely Neutral.

Message 34204

From :Matthew O'Neill <>
Subject: [afb] Re: Worship your Quake god
Date: Mon, 25 Oct 1999 21:33:38 +0100
On 25-Oct-99, Eddie Maddock wrote:

> You want to drink Merrydown. It's certainly done a good job of
> removing most of my unwanted braincells ;)  (how does this Amiga
> thingy work again ?)

I saw some tramp downing a can of "TURBO Cider" yesterday, almost sounds

Mash - recovering
                               Matthew O'Neill

Ura Redneck if, You have a bumper sticker on your bowling ball.

Message 34205

From :Matthew O'Neill <>
Subject: [afb] Re: Worship your Quake god
Date: Mon, 25 Oct 1999 21:32:22 +0100
On 24-Oct-99, Peter Gordon wrote:

>> Ummm, any one which sells blackthorn :) <FARMER> cider!!!! </FARMER>

> Cider? Yuck! I'd much rather have a bottle 'o broon! (otherwise known as
> Nukey :)

Nukey? eh?

Mash - confuffled
                               Matthew O'Neill

"It has many other uses as well.  Allow me." --Worf

Message 34206

From :Chris Faircloth <>
Subject: [afb] Re: Voting Results: Will you be buying OS3.5?
Date: Wed, 27 Oct 1999 06:38:14 +1200
Hello Ben

On 27-Oct-99, you wrote:

>BV Hi fool,

>BV> Yep, laziness and the fact that it's irritating to have to run a browser
>BV> just to vote (especially as the only browser I have installed is on my
>BV> PC) when all most people want to do is up/download their email.

>BV If you're on at least one mailing list I reckon that while your mail is
>BV downloading you can start your browser, get to the afb poll page and fill
>BV it in and be finished before your mail is done downloading. After all, the
>BV Amiga *is* a multi-tasking machine...

And (stating the obvious) allowing for the fact that when to poll is announced
the URL is also there, click on that and so long as you are useing hurl or
something similar you are taken stright to the voting site, how much easier
can it be made;-)

Kind regards

Chris Faircloth.    Auckland ,   New Zealand
*Amiga Phoenix For The Future*   

ICQ # 38728970

The message bird got loose*&^%$#@NO CARRIER PIGEON

Message 34207

From :Andy Mills <>
Subject: [afb] Re: Bens Poll
Date: 26 Oct 99 18:19:39 +0000
Hello Eddie Maddock, on 26-Oct-99 04:10:31 you said about:
  [afb] Re: Bens Poll 

>Hi Chris,
>> FWIW Aweb3.3 had no problems casting my poll, and being able to dipense
>> with the tool bar gives so much more viewable area, which is great if you
>> don't have a graphics card.

>Hopefully my copy of Netconnect 3 will be turning up some time this
>week, so I'll be able to give the latest Voyager a try (in the
>meantime I might as well try Aweb off the AF CD and see if that gives
>me any joy)

In that case, you may as well download Vpre4 from Vapor. Why? Because
the copies of NC3 being sent out have pre4 on them and it just so
happens that it will crash (and Web Vision) when trying to start it.

My copy arrived this morning, and I also have this problem as have
others on the NC mailing list. Mind you, the copy of pre4 that I already
downloaded from vapor works fine and recognises the Netconnect3.key OK

 Andy Mills -
 South West Amiga Group -
 afb-ot's official webshite -
University is a fountain of Knowledge... and the students are there to drink.

Message 34208

From :Oliver Esberger <>
Subject: [afb] Re: APDF for encrypted files
Date: Tue, 26 Oct 1999 19:46:28 +0200
Hello Myself,

On 26-Okt-99, you wrote:

> Goto

Oops. There is also an english page, which should be much more
convenient for most of you:

Oliver Esberger -

Message 34209

From :Chris Andrews <>
Subject: [afb] Re: Voting Results: Will you be buying OS3.5?
Date: Tue, 26 Oct 1999 17:56:22 +0000 (GMT)
On Wed, 27 Oct 1999, Chris Faircloth wrote:
> And (stating the obvious) allowing for the fact that when to poll is
> announced the URL is also there, click on that and so long as you are
> useing hurl or something similar you are taken stright to the voting
> site, how much easier can it be made;-) 

  I don't mind admitting that I probably wouldn't be bothered to do them
if I wasn't online all day.  If there was a email address method then you
could reply to that and it'd count when you go online next.  In fact I
used to get my email through a BBS at one point so I didn't have web
access at all.



Message 34210

From :"Daniel Thornton" <>
Subject: [afb] Re: IRC talk (wasOS 3.5 PIRATED!)
Date: 26 Oct 99 18:24:18 +0100
On Tue, 26 Oct 1999 16:41:49 +0100 (BST), Alan L=2EM=2E Buxey wibbled=2E=2E=

> why dont we just create an #afb channel on one of the servers?

There was an AFB channel=2E It died=2E

The Wibble- http://www=2Ethewibble=2Eco=2Euk -Karma Karma Karma Karma Karma=
 In this weeks not-quite-Halloween Special=2E=2E=2EJeff Banks is still Touc=
Cloth=2E=2E=2EBuddha Holly enlightens us=2E=2E=2EThe Sweeney Tadpoles swear=
 a bit=2E=2E=2Eand
     we exclusively bring you the original pilot script for The A-Team

Message 34211

From :"Oliver Marks" <>
Subject: [afb] contact manager
Date: 27 Oct 99 19:12:20 -0500

Is there any way i can import my old data base from contact manager
1.3 into version 1.6 because loading the .data file does not work nor
does saving the options and then loading them can anyone help?

Message 34212

From :"Phil Ellis" <>
Subject: [afb] Re: Net Connect 3 : some thoughts...
Date: 26 Oct 99 19:06:38 +0000
Hello Frost,
 your comments on [afb] Net Connect 3 : some thoughts... have got me thinking
>Hi People,

>Just installed Netconnect 3 today. There are however a few teething problems.
>I thought I'd let you lot know in case someone else is having the same
>problems. BTW, I am an existing NC 2 user who has just upgraded.

Same here. STFax4 also.

>1.  Voyager - instant crash. Reboot necessary. I was previously using V3 pre
>4 without problems (apart from the fact that it timed out since it wasn't
>registered yet). The new button files are a different size - slightly larger,
>so they've been changed. The Voyager executable seems to have changed too -
>might be a CPU-optimised version, I guess.

>This is not too bad as I found my original V3pre4 installation now works and
>is registered. Maybes it's this CD version that's got a problem then.

Same problem here, same solution employed :-)

>2.  Webvision - same as Voyager. Except that I can't fix that using the above
>method, obviously.

And the same here, it's a later version so I presume some changes have been
made. I've mailed support so hopefully we'll find an answer soon.

>(All other programs seem to work fine though, and although I haven't had any
>time to try them yet, they look very intriguing.)

>3. Octopus. The MUI gadgets can be selected in the preferences, but they
>won't appear on the title bar! I had real trouble trying to snapshot the dock
>window to where I wanted, until I found that you can also bring up a snapshot
>and other basic options methods by right-clicking on the dock icons
>themselves. May be useful for others with similar problems.

I've never bothered with the NC dock bar and probably won't bother with Octopus
either. I use a Dopus button bank to launch the programs.

>Who's the best person to pass these comments along to? Chris Wiles?
>Vaporware? The individual authors / bug lists? All of these?

I've tried the support address in the CD case I've
always found Active to be very helpful. It might be an idea to join the
netconnect mailing list too.

>More importantly, andyone on this list got any quick fixes for these before I
>look elsewhere?

If I hear anything I'll let you know.

Phil Ellis Amiga 4000/040 PIV Magellan II ICQ 38892967
For information on Cystic Fibrosis
Airconditioned environment -- do not open Windows

Message 34213

Subject: [afb] Re: Help to Cinema4D
Date: Tue, 26 Oct 1999 11:24:58 -0700
"alex furmanski" <> wrote: 
original article:

> You can read the posts on the site if you like, search for Cinema4D
> probly do the trick.

I'm only on the list for the last month. So sorry

and thanx

Message 34214

Subject: [afb] Re: Help to Cinema4D
Date: Tue, 26 Oct 1999 11:33:38 -0700
"neil bothwick" <> wrote: 
original article:
> Ben Vost said, 
> > Hi,
> >> Why are we not allowed to send the CU serial to the list?
> > You're perfectly welcome to send it to the CU list.
> No you're not!
> > It has *never* had anything to do with Amiga Format.
> Nor the CU list any more, since it's no longer connected to the

Is it a pirate thing to send him (the guy who asked for it) private?
And also; is it a pirate thing since I have both the CU-version and the
original version?
Can I send him the CU-numbers?


Message 34215

From :"Oliver Masters" <>
Subject: [afb] Re: IRC talk (wasOS 3.5 PIRATED!)
Date: Tue, 26 Oct 1999 19:38:04 +0200
> > Though, to be honest, the main thing that just doesn't encourage me to
> > play with IRC more, is that people just have no idea about the vaguest
> > glimmer of a passing thought of holding a "normal" conversation using
> a
> > computer as a medium.
> All I can say is that you need to find a channel that *Is* serious and
> can hold decent conversations.  The ones Im with are fairly light
> hearted but Ive been to a couple that are deadly serious (and dont even
> answer you if you say something funney).  So keep looking.

Try #amigazone on dalnet, we're all reasonably sane and fairly sensible most
of the time, and we don't reset your modem either :) There's usually someone
there from about 10pm UK every night.

Oliver Masters
thAOUGht On-Line User Group Member
thOAUGht meet in #AmigaZone on DalNet IRC.
Visit for more info on #AmigaZone and thAOUGht.
(The site is a bit pants atm, bit of an overhaul happening.)

Message 34216

From :Tudor Davies <>
Subject: [afb] OS 3.5 Mistakes
Date: Tue, 26 Oct 1999 20:48:00 +0200
OK who has spotted any....

I'll start

1. First graphics screen - hands shaking - "develpoment" instead of

Apart from that - it installed a dream - everything works (that I have
tested) and it looks good! Thumbs up to H&P, Amiga, et al.


Tudor Davies                         Running Amiga, Mac, PC & Unices
                                     Technology in Perfect Harmony                     
Visit         Specialist in Internet Security & ISP      Support (RADIUS, Firewalls & Routing)

Message 34217

Subject: [afb] Re: Amiga Shopper & Ben
Date: Tue, 26 Oct 1999 12:47:28 -0700
True but then again you do work for the same company that produces AF.
So how copyright would affect it in that way.  Would it be in theory
that if you decided to put other Future mag frontcovers in AF without
asking. Would that break copyright then?

> Theoretically that would be Future's copyright, but I doubt anyone
> complain. After all, we've put all the covers for AF on our CDs

Message 34218

From :Danny Shepherd <>
Subject: [afb] what would you pay?
Date: Tue, 26 Oct 1999 19:49:42 +0100
HI Everybody,

A freind of mine is selling his fairly up-spec Amiga, I want to buy it from
him but he's one of these people who never say a price but expect you make
an offer. Not wanting to rip myself off, how much would you pay for the

Micronik Infintiv 2 Tower case + 200 PSU
Fixed 1.d.4 Motherboard (From Eyetech with all fixes)
OS V3.1
Micronik High Density 1.76Mb floppy
Elbox EIDE '99 interface + Allegro CDFS (DVD Ready)
40x EIDE Samsung CDROM
6.4 GB IDE (PIO4) Fujitsu HD
Blizzard PPC 240/040-25 - No Scsi
PowerC Keyboard Interface
Genuine Amiga Keyboard (A4000)
Pair of 240W (PMPO) Speakers

I think he knows what it is worth though, he's had an Amiga of some sort
since 1990 and he's a bit of a myzar!
Danny Shepherd.

UIN: 30044173

Member of the AmigaRC5 team and cracking blocks at 831K keys/sec

Common sense is the collection of prejudices acquired by age eighteen.
-- Albert Einstein

Message 34219

From :"Ian Armstrong" <>
Subject: [afb] Re: nc3 and mcc
Date: 26 Oct 99 20:00:25 +0100
On 27 Oct 99 15:14:51 -0500, Oliver Marks wrote:

> Has anyone installed netconnect 3 and then had problems with programs
> like microdot complaining that your mcc file are not new enough does
> any one know where i can get the latest mcc files.
> I did a version check on the ones on the netconnect cd but they where
> all older than the versions the programs where asking for
> please help.

I didn't have any problems, but the files you need are all on the CD in
the 'mcc' folder (not the 'mui' folder which has older versions).

ICQ #7190975

Message 34220

From :Tudor Davies <>
Subject: [afb] Re: OS 3.5 Mistakes
Date: Tue, 26 Oct 1999 21:08:40 +0200
I know - bad form replying to my own email...

> 1. First graphics screen - hands shaking - "develpoment" instead of
> "development".

2. Creating Emergency disk - picture of PowerMac not a towered Amiga..
  (might forgive them this :)


Tudor Davies                         Running Amiga, Mac, PC & Unices
                                     Technology in Perfect Harmony                     
Visit         Specialist in Internet Security & ISP      Support (RADIUS, Firewalls & Routing)

Message 34221

From :"Ian Armstrong" <>
Subject: [afb] Re: Net Connect 3 : some thoughts...
Date: 26 Oct 99 20:25:01 +0100
On Tue, 26 Oct 1999 18:06:19 +0100, Frost wrote:
> Hi People,
> Just installed Netconnect 3 today. There are however a few teething problems.
> I thought I'd let you lot know in case someone else is having the same
> problems. BTW, I am an existing NC 2 user who has just upgraded.
> 1.  Voyager - instant crash. Reboot necessary. I was previously using V3 pre 4
> without problems (apart from the fact that it timed out since it wasn't
> registered yet). The new button files are a different size - slightly larger,
> so they've been changed. The Voyager executable seems to have changed too -
> might be a CPU-optimised version, I guess.
> This is not too bad as I found my original V3pre4 installation now works and
> is registered. Maybes it's this CD version that's got a problem then.

I think the version on the CD is supposed to be the pre4 version, but it
didn't work for me either. I just installed the pre4 from vapor and it
works fine.

> 2.  Webvision - same as Voyager. Except that I can't fix that using the above
> method, obviously.

Just get it from aminet. That's all I did.

> (All other programs seem to work fine though, and although I haven't had any
> time to try them yet, they look very intriguing.)

> 3. Octopus. The MUI gadgets can be selected in the preferences, but they won't
> appear on the title bar! I had real trouble trying to snapshot the dock window
> to where I wanted, until I found that you can also bring up a snapshot and
> other basic options methods by right-clicking on the dock icons themselves.
> May be useful for others with similar problems.

I've had a nasty problem with octopus (along with someone else). When
trying to set up a new program for it to launch, it nukes the chosen
executable. This doesn't appear to happen if you leave it set to CLI

> Who's the best person to pass these comments along to? Chris Wiles? Vaporware?
> The individual authors / bug lists? All of these?
> More importantly, andyone on this list got any quick fixes for these before I
> look elsewhere?

It might be an idea to check out the netconnect mailing list where this
has already been discussed.

ICQ #7190975

Message 34222

Subject: [afb] Errooorr.. An error has occured!!
Date: Tue, 26 Oct 1999 13:26:21 -0700

My Amiga has been in bits for a while and after getting a Picasso IV
card and the Power Computins so called Z4 board and OS 3.5 on most
start ups I 
get errors like

Program failed
(error #8000003D)

then Software failed guru screen
error 6603A838

WorkBench failed
Error 8000004

then Software error

There have been quite a few more. But when it restarts it's ok???

Any clues anyone?

My Amiga also has a Power Flyer, a Blizzard 060 50mhz.


Phil Bennett

Message 34223

From :"Anthony Prime" <>
Subject: [afb] Re: IRC talk (wasOS 3.5 PIRATED!)
Date: 26 Oct 99 18:19:22 +0100
Hi Alan

> why dont we just create an #afb channel on one of the

We have one, but I don't think it gets used a lot. Shame really, but
now there are more of us, perhaps it's time to readvertise it. AFB at
Dalnet IIRC.

What say we agree a time for another little chat. Any takers?

Message 34224

From :Andy Kinsella <>
Subject: [afb] Re: Amiga Shopper
Date: Tue, 26 Oct 1999 20:01:01 +0100
On 25-Oct-99, Peter Gordon wrote:

>> Now - Amiga Shopper was always hailed as the "serious" Amiga mag
>> (as opposed

> I always thought AS was the best Amiga mag, better than AF and CU
> even. Didn't have any of those stupid "game" things in. =D

Yeah, and they always dropped a free issue in the post if you had a
contribution on the coverdisk, which was nice :)

> ===================================
> so long and thanks for all the fish
> ===================================

> Real meanings #16:
> LISP: Little Inflatable Sex Puppy

/PGP Key available on request/

Like the butterfly that can't fly steady;
always movin' with that flow, that energy
-- Luciano

Message 34225

From :"Daniel Thornton" <>
Subject: [afb] Re: Help to Cinema4D
Date: 26 Oct 99 20:18:58 +0100
On Tue, 26 Oct 1999 11:33:38 -0700,  wibbled=2E=2E=2E

> Can I send him the CU-numbers?

I'd be happy to give him my serial, seeing as I have never used, and
never intend to use the software=2E=20
The Wibble- http://www=2Ethewibble=2Eco=2Euk -Karma Karma Karma Karma Karma=
 In this weeks not-quite-Halloween Special=2E=2E=2EJeff Banks is still Touc=
Cloth=2E=2E=2EBuddha Holly enlightens us=2E=2E=2EThe Sweeney Tadpoles swear=
 a bit=2E=2E=2Eand
     we exclusively bring you the original pilot script for The A-Team

Message 34226

From :Oliver Esberger <>
Subject: [afb] Re: Errooorr.. An error has occured!!
Date: Tue, 26 Oct 1999 21:58:12 +0200
Hello Phil,

On 26-Okt-99, you wrote:

> Program failed
> (error #8000003D)

OK. First I have to confess I really don't have an idea what I am
talking about. But this won't prevent me from trying to help anyway ;)

Ramlib frequently crashes when you have too much patches running because
every patch needs a bit of its stack (or so...). Are there some patches
running on your system? You might want to install a prg like Growstack
to try to solve this problem, or alternatively remove patches.

This explanation could be completely wrong, but I had many Ramlib
crashes with MCP before I used Growstack.

I hope this helps...

Oliver Esberger -

Message 34227

From :Alan Bailey <>
Subject: [afb] Re: Help to Cinema4D
Date: Tue, 26 Oct 1999 21:00:46 +0000

On 26-Oct-99, you wrote:

> Is it a pirate thing to send him (the guy who asked for it) private?
> And also; is it a pirate thing since I have both the CU-version and the
> original version?
> Can I send him the CU-numbers?

No i dont think you can give it to him, but if anyone who wanted the serial
number looked at the cu site properly they would have seen an e-mail address
where you can obtain the serial number, here it is
Alan Bailey

ICQ UIN:42618074

I know not with what weapons World War III will be fought, but World
War IV will be fought with sticks and stones.
-- Albert Einstein

Message 34228

From :"Anthony Prime" <>
Subject: [afb] Re: Net Connect 3 : some thoughts...
Date: 26 Oct 99 21:02:55 +0100
Hi Frost
> Who's the best person to pass these comments along to? Chris Wiles? Vaporware?
> The individual authors / bug lists? All of these?
I have the same problems, and I wouldn't suggest passing them along to
Chris as I emailed for support with a Geneis problem and got a *very*
terse reply.  Ho Hum.

Cheers for now.

Anthony Prime
>Powered by Amiga in Crewe

Message 34229

From :"Oliver Marks" <>
Subject: [afb] Re: nc3 and mcc
Date: 27 Oct 99 21:06:54 -0500
> > Has anyone installed netconnect 3 and then had problems with programs
> > like microdot complaining that your mcc file are not new enough does
> > any one know where i can get the latest mcc files.
> > 
> > I did a version check on the ones on the netconnect cd but they where
> > all older than the versions the programs where asking for
> > 
> > please help.
> I didn't have any problems, but the files you need are all on the CD in
> the 'mcc' folder (not the 'mui' folder which has older versions).
I found out the problem i had two directorys with .mcc files in
the mui:libs/mui where getting updated but the ones in  libs/mui where
not and it was taking the files from the later so i just deleted the
second copy of all the mcc files this solved the problem.

Message 34230

From :"Mark E. Lynn" <>
Subject: [afb] Re: Home egroups problem
Date: 26 Oct 99 20:59:11 +0000
With reference to [afb] Re: Home egroups problem on Mon, 25 Oct 1999 19:52:17 +0100

> Hello All,
> On 25-Oct-99, wrote:
> >  This is really annoying.  No matter how many times i click the logout
> > button it still takes me back to "goto or
> > logout".  Even after a refresh its still there.
> Delete the cookie, it should be a file in the Cache directory. Voyager will
> forget you were ever logged in!
> Bye,
> -- 
> Danny Shepherd.

Then you can't log back in because it tells you that you have cookies
disabled, I'm having similar problems :(

Mark -

Message 34231

From :"Mark E. Lynn" <>
Subject: [afb] Re: Need A1200 Part
Date: 26 Oct 99 21:07:55 +0000
With reference to [afb] Re: Need A1200 Part.
On Mon, 25 Oct 1999 02:05:29 +0100, fool wrote:

> That little, rectangular bit of plastic that you push down to grip the
> ribbon?  I (probably) have one whichever bit you mean (especially since
> I've got a whole, dead A1200 sitting here (anyone else looking for
> spares?)).

Yeah, any chance of having the video DAC chip (U30 next to the video
port)? It might be tricky to remove in one piece though.

Mark -

Message 34232

From :"Jonathan Day" <>
Subject: [afb] Re: OS3.5
Date: Tue, 26 Oct 1999 21:34:58 +0100

Just my few s worth

> > Wow.. that's quite a difference... (I've never bought from Power, and
> > purchased many things from Eyetech personally)
> >
> > Is there a warranty difference or a support difference or any reason
> > Eyetech could justify that? (I tend to stick with one company once I
> > doing business with them.. and I've been really happy with Eyetech...
> > take a lot to make me switch.)
> Both companys offered a 12 month warranty on the motherboards, other
> than that i dont know. BTW i dont favour PowerC, My next purchase
> will be an 030 from Eyetech, because i think they have the better
> value/quality product this time even if it 5 more expensive than
> PowerC's equivelent.
> Regards
> --
> Alan Bailey
I`ve bought from both in the past, and I have to say that I will always buy
from Eyetech if I possibly can.  I had no end of trouble with an `060 bought
from Power 18 months ago:

Didn`t work.  Spent several conversations and hours over the phone from them
to finally accept this.  Sent it back.  Waited for a couple of weeks, didn`t
hear anything.  Phoned them up, they hadn`t looked at it  :-|  Gave them
another week, "Oh there`s nothing wrong with it."  O.K. so where is it?  "On
my desk" it back....Didn`t work.

Phoned them up, another long conversation.  Sent it back.  Didn`t hear
anything.  Phone again, spoke to Tony: "it was broken we`ve had to get a
replacement".  Another (long) wait (`060s short in supply or something),
phoned several times and eventually... spoke to the sales woman if the new
stock had arrived, "oh yes, they came in last week."   8- O

Got very annoyed, had a very long chat to Tony, who tells me that actually
it`s a m/b fault, they could have fixed it 3 months ago, and if I send my
m/b they`ll fix it.  Bit strange considering how`s on their second test they
agreed it was faulty.

Admittedly Tony offered to fix it for free, if I paid to get the m/b to
them.  I told him where to go, to send the 060 back, and got on the phone to
Eyetech, and then found out they`re only 20 minutes away :-)

I hand delivered the 060, SIMM and my m/b after normal hours, got a phone
call next day to say they`d fully tested them all and there was nought
wrong.  They then offered to do the m/b fix anyway since they had it, to
which I agreed, and it was the only thing they charged me for, the price
straight out of AF.  Picked it up next evening, again out of hours and I had
060 power!

Anyways, I know that was a long sorry not cut short, but I reckon it paints
a sorry picture of Power`s attitude (or at least what it was like 18 months
ago).  OK so it was probably a one off, I`ve bought other stuff from them in
the past with no probs but even so I reckon it`s worth pointing out.

I have nothing but praise for the service I have received from Eyetech
since; including free, comprehensive,
happy-to-be-of-assistance-even-with-no-guaranteed-sale-at-the-end telephone

*And as Alan Buxey pointed out: use switch or delta and there is no 3%

Postage is usually cheaper too.

Sorry for such a long post (and winge)


Message 34233

From :Patrice Champarou <>
Subject: [afb] Re: My new Email
Date: Tue, 26 Oct 1999 21:44:57 +0100
  Hello Mash ( again! that fella's gettin' kinda... obsequious, ain't he? )

On 25-Oct-99, you wrote:

> Hold shift then press NumL (left bracket) this turns numlock on, allowing
> you to use the keypad :)

  Yeeees! Though you're not actually the first one to tell me, I thank you a
great deal. That trick did change my life.

> Learn something every day eh?

  I quite agree; that's what my dealer told me when I taught him he could move
screens using leftA-LMB.

  Patrice ;-), ;-) and ;-)

Message 34234

From :Patrice Champarou <>
Subject: [afb] Re: My new Email
Date: Tue, 26 Oct 1999 21:15:37 +0100
  Hello Mash!

On 25-Oct-99, you wrote:
> <SCOUSE> calm doon calm doon!</SCOUSE>

  Disappointed :-(   I thought *you* would understand I was joking :-)
In earnest, as usual ;-)   Enough smileys, this time :-? 


Message 34235

From :Patrice Champarou <>
Subject: [afb] Re: Voting Results: Will you be buying OS3.5?
Date: Tue, 26 Oct 1999 22:29:01 +0100
Hello fool, then :-)

On 26-Oct-99, you wrote:

>>  Changing the way polls are organized is no innocent decision either,
> =

> Huh!?  It's no work for any of us (apart from emailing eGroups and aski=
> them to add this function) - you do know how the polls work don't you?

  Not quite yet, I admit. But I didn't mean this was difficult to achieve=

  My point was that if you decide to make voting "easier", it will automa=
give votes a different meaning. You know that some countries or instituti=
ons try
to make voting compulsory, whereas others insist that it should remain a =
voluntary act.
  I keep thinking that, in both cases, blank votes or abstentions should =
be =

counted together with so-called "expressed opinions" which were partly in=
by the question itself, and sometimes biased by suggested answers.

  One example : in the sixties, I would have liked to take home one of th=
"no to market!" stickers, but they didn't make sense in my country.

  Concerning the last poll, my vote should have been /"No, I'll buy it/
/second-hand in a month or two, from disappointed users"/, but I wasn't
offered that choice.

> You're joking right? =

  Of course I am! But I always forget to add a smiley.


Message 34236

From :Patrice Champarou <>
Subject: [afb] Re: Need A1200 Part
Date: Tue, 26 Oct 1999 22:51:38 +0100
Hello Mark

On 26-Oct-99, you wrote:

> Yeah, any chance of having the video DAC chip (U30 next to the video
> port)? It might be tricky to remove in one piece though.

  If you like, I can send you the piece of motherboard, and you'll manage=
remove it yourself. I love buying second-hand, so I got that board for =A3=
I don't use it, 'cause the mouse refuses to move, but I've kept the 3.1 e=
that had been left on it :-)


Message 34237

From :"Andrew Hall" <>
Subject: [afb] Scanners and stuff.
Date: Tue, 26 Oct 1999 21:56:05 +0100
Hi there, this is my first posting to this mailing list, but I've been
reading it on and off for a couple of months......
Anyway, I've just got a brand spanking new part-time job and so I have
suddenly ton of cash to pour into my second hand 6MB '030 A1200 with 320MB
hardisk (as well as down my neck in the form of beer ;-)).

I want to build a graphics portfolio using my Amiga so that if my A-Levels
go pear-shaped (as it seems that they will) I will have something to fall
back on. Today I ordered a new tower and I'm getting a CD-ROM drive at the
end of the week.

I have a monitor with Scandoubler/FF, a new inkjet printer, more memory, a
scanner and a second hardisk on my wishlist. Anyone else have any
suggestions as to what else I'll need?

Also I have seen scanners for as little as 50 in the shops, will these work
with the standard Amiga parallel port? Or will I have to fork out for a SCSI



HEY! I'm not a little kid anymore! Nah, I'm 8 years old and
             If I want to finger-paint then I'll finger-paint!

Message 34238

From :Bert Volders <>
Subject: [afb] Re: Errooorr.. An error has occured!!
Date: Tue, 26 Oct 1999 23:05:01 +0100

On 26-okt-99, you wrote:

> MMMMMmmm
> My Amiga has been in bits for a while and after getting a Picasso IV
> graphics
> card and the Power Computins so called Z4 board and OS 3.5 on most
> start ups I 
> get errors like
> Program failed
> (error #8000003D)

> WorkBench failed
> Error 8000004
> Any clues anyone?

I hope that I am wrong but I am starting to suspect the Picasso here. Since a
few months I have this wonderful add-on installed into my A3000 with 3640.
Since then I also get the odd 800000x errors [dead-end allerts]. I thought I
messed up [probably I have] but did not found the time to get to it yet. The
only weird thing is that I can't start WB3.1 but I can startup in Opus5.8
WBR, which is my default setting.  
> My Amiga also has a Power Flyer, a Blizzard 060 50mhz.
> Cheers
> Phil Bennett
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> AFB: All polls MUST have dates!
Bert Volders
^^^^^Don't go there, its not finished yet...
ICQ_Nick: Speedy
ICQ_UIN: 38809545

Message 34239

From :Alan Anthony <>
Subject: [afb] Oh Baby... OS3.5
Date: Tue, 26 Oct 1999 22:13:54 +0100
Hi everyone,
I just got my OS 3.5 upgrade,and it installed like a dream.
To anyone who can't decide about doing it, go on you know it makes sense.=

Best =A335 I've spent in ages.

Kind regards Alan
-- =

Amiga A1200T, PPC160, 060, Bvision.
Amiga 4000/040 1084st
Member of the Amiga RC5 Team.

Message 34240

From :"Jonathan Day" <>
Subject: [afb] Re: Voting Results: Will you be buying OS3.5?
Date: Tue, 26 Oct 1999 22:45:37 +0100
Hi Ben

Subject: [afb] Re: Voting Results: Will you be buying OS3.5?

> >>> Jesus, Ben, that's ONLY JUST statistically significant,
> >>> and that's using my own judgement and not goint through
> >>> another set of calcs :)
> >>
> >> I know, but what can you do?
> > Have another moan on the CD :)
> > It sorta worked last time, didn't it?
> Don't think so.
Why not have a big moan in the mag, how this is supposed to be a 'community'
that`s close knit and sticks together and helps one another out...

Why don`t you find out who did vote, and consequently didn`t, and mail those
personally demanding (politely) their response in the future.

Alternatively, make it a clause of joining that all MANAGEMENT polls must be
responded to otherwise you get banned.

Even if everyone who buys AF bought OS 3.5, H&P would still probably not
sell enough copies to warrant further work.


Message 34241

From :"Stephen Ralph" <>
Subject: [afb] Problems with os3.5 and NC3 and PCMCIA
Date: Tue, 26 Oct 1999 22:50:15 +0100
Hi there,

I got my copy of os3.5  and it`s now installed.

Early opinions... well they seem to have done the bare minimum.

I was looking forward to a printer driver for my Epson Stylus 740. In the
publicity it said drivers for all major printers. All I got was EpsonQ
EpsonX and basically just the drivers for Espon provided with os3.1. How am
I supposed to make use of the PPC printing support without an os3.5 Epson
Stylus 740 printer driver?

It seems to be quite stable but I did manage to make it throw a couple of
minor wobblies that never happened with 3.1. A sub directory wouldn`t open
and my NC2 task bar played up when selecting some of it`s display options.
The installer script also look very odd when used installing software - all
the selection boxes were the same colour as the background.

Also, what happens when os3.1 software dumps older versions of datatypes or
libraries without asking? I guess it depends on how well the software
installer script is written I guess.

Also, how is it possible to update drawer icons installed by non os3.5
software. Is it still going to be the case that we`ll have to do it all
manually unlike Windoze 98 that standardises these features albeit with
boring drawer icons ;o)

Other things were slightly disappointing. Things like the screen blanker
were unchanged and even the Clock commodity was unchanged. Ed is no
different either.

Another thing that`s not improved - snapshot of icons - just like 3.1 a
snapshot of drawer icons doesn`t necessarily mean the icons stay that way
when you go back to that drive or directory. I like the resize to fit
function - that adds a little ease of use.

And...... not all the icons have been overhauled. device and monitor drivers
are still old style as well as other icons I`ve found whilst going through
the system.

Anyway, it`s early days I guess. Shame though - I was hoping for more.

Later that same day.......

Hello there,

A problem. Just installing my software here and I thought I`d try using the
ethernet card in the PCMCIA slot to file share.

I use the hydrapcm.device supplied with the ethernet card from Siamese
Systems. It`s been rock steady with my system for quite some time now.

Anyway, I`ve reinstalled Miami Dx and put all my drivers back so the correct
driver is selected and in its proper drawer. All my prefs and keys are
regularly archived incase of danger so I`d put all my MiamiDx  prefs/keys
back from my previous installation as well as other keys like my mui.key.

Well, pressing online for Ethernet crashes the system with a guru meditation


MiamiDx is working just fine for my ISP`s. I`ve just been thru the settings
and everything looks just OK. I`ve checked the Ethernet card with PrepCard -
all working well. Just wondered if it might be os3.5 - if not does anyone
have any ideas?


Even later that same day...... Got NetConnect 3 through the post as well.
Tried installing that on a fresh installation of os3.5 and after a clean
install and reboot I get the Octopus bang in the middle of the screen and it
won't move or close - I can get at the prefs but it just wont budge or
change shape. I took out NC2 but that did nothing - I'm not having much luck
of late :((

Sent by my trusty Amiga well hardware wise ;o)

Running with a1200T os3.5 603e+ 040/25 and 160MHz PPC... and Blizzvision GFX
Card with lots of stuff attached and Siamese Ethernet v2.5 to a TCP
networked Net sharing slave AMD K6-3 450MHz PC.......

Message 34242

From :"Paul Cundle" <>
Subject: [afb] Re: Worried? Call Paranoia-800
Date: 26 Oct 99 20:44:08 +0000
I just read a /very/ interesting mail where you said about [afb] Re: Worried? Call Paranoia-800:

> Here's a quick speed comparison, search my local copy of the Aminet
> index
>     Search      1 minute 18.03s
>     FlashFind   0.76s

Ummm....Okay :)

> > where will I find it? No, don't tell me...
> In the Aminet index, but it will take a while if you don't already have
> it :)
> Or you could get it from a cover CD.

You mean I don't have to get it off Aminet? Blimey!

> Neil

Paul C, typing with strange green backgrounds in Microdot
... Q. What's the difference between a violist and a dog?
    A. The dog knows when to stop scratching.

Message 34243

From :"Paul Cundle" <>
Subject: [afb] Re: nc3 and mcc
Date: 26 Oct 99 21:16:37 +0000
Some guy around here has been mumbling again. Apparently he goes
by the name of Oliver Marks.

> I also downloaded the programs from the vapour ware web site but they
> also had old versions of the mcc the ones i need are
> textinput.mcc v26.1
> textinputscroll.mcc v26.1
> cmanager.mcc v13.1

I'm pretty sure these /are/ all on the CD. There are two things to
check, IIRC.

1) Reboot, boot with no startup-sequence and do a C:Version on them.
As soon as one version of an mcc is loaded, all versions report as
being the same. As long as none have been accessed (such as booting
without startup-sequence) the real versions should be reported.

2) If that doesn't work, run Snoopdos before trying to run Genesis or
whatever. You'll find it looks in several places for the mcc files. If
it finds an older version first, that's the one it'll stick with. For
example, I had an old version of textinput.mcc in SYS:libs/mui/ and
the new one was in MUI:libs/mui/  but because it looked in
sys:libs/mui/ first, that was the one it tried to use.
This can be a real pain to sort out.

Paul C, now with 2 MUI installations and loads of MCCs in Libs: 
... "OK Mom, I'm going to hypnotize you now," said Tom transparently.

Message 34244

From :"Paul Cundle" <>
Subject: [afb] Re: OS3.5 has arrived !!!
Date: 26 Oct 99 21:08:22 +0000
Neil Bothwick reckons he knows a bit about [afb] Re: OS3.5 has arrived !!!, but there's more to it than that.

> -- 
> "Bother" said Rue, as Tigger flamed him

If this was c.s.a.m , would that have been

"Bother" said Tigger, as Rue flamed him  ?  :)

Paul C, who's never actually been on csam so that might be a /really/
crap joke.
... BREAKFAST.COM error: Cereal port not responding

Message 34245

From :"Jonathan Day" <>
Subject: [afb] Re: Hideously unstable Amiga shock!
Date: Tue, 26 Oct 1999 22:50:19 +0100
Hi Ben

Subject: [afb] Re: Hideously unstable Amiga shock!
Just a thought.  Why not ask Matt to do a feature (or two) on this?


> Send me the appropriate startup files, lists of apps in WBStartup
> (and order of loading) and I'll sort them out for you.
> -- 
> Matt Sealey 

Message 34246

From :"David Monl" <>
Subject: [afb] Re: OS3.5 has arrived !!!
Date: 26 Oct 99 22:53:57 +0000
OK how about this AWeb comes with OS3.5 why then does AWeb not like the
V44.19 picture.datatype ?
All the button images appear corrupt.
If I use the old V40.4 datatype everything works fine.
No one else appears to have mentioned this is it my system or am I the only
on using AWeb ?


Message 34247

Subject: [afb] Does 3.5 support the pipeline isdn hub
Date: Tue, 26 Oct 1999 16:28:31 -0700
My company gave me an ISDN line to work from home on.  Anyhow they also
loned us a PIPELINE ISDN HUB by ASCEND for some reason or another.  and
i was wondering if anybody has gotten on of those to work on there
amiga.  especialy with os3.5

Message 34248

From :Danny Shepherd <>
Subject: [afb] Re: Home egroups problem
Date: Tue, 26 Oct 1999 23:13:11 +0100
Hello All,

On 26-Oct-99, Mark E. Lynn wrote:

> With reference to [afb] Re: Home egroups problem on Mon, 25 Oct 1999
> 19:52:17 +0100
>> Hello All,
>> On 25-Oct-99, wrote:
>>>  This is really annoying.  No matter how many times i click the logout
>>> button it still takes me back to "goto or
>>> logout".  Even after a refresh its still there.
>> Delete the cookie, it should be a file in the Cache directory. Voyager
>> will forget you were ever logged in!

> Then you can't log back in because it tells you that you have cookies
> disabled, I'm having similar problems :(

I didn't say disable the cookies, I said delete the file containing the
cookie. It's in the cache, named Cookies.1 or something similar. Now when
you goto EGroups you will be asked to log in as if it were the very first
time you used Voyager to access the site because, according to EGroups,  it
is :)


Danny Shepherd.

UIN: 30044173

Member of the AmigaRC5 team and cracking blocks at 831K keys/sec

Common sense is the collection of prejudices acquired by age eighteen.
-- Albert Einstein

Message 34249

From :Danny Shepherd <>
Subject: [afb] Re: Problems with os3.5 and NC3 and PCMCIA
Date: Tue, 26 Oct 1999 23:23:27 +0100
Hello Stephen,

On 26-Oct-99, you wrote about [afb] Problems with os3.5 and NC3 and PCMCIA
> Even later that same day...... Got NetConnect 3 through the post as well.
> Tried installing that on a fresh installation of os3.5 and after a clean
> install and reboot I get the Octopus bang in the middle of the screen and
> it won't move or close - I can get at the prefs but it just wont budge or
> change shape. I took out NC2 but that did nothing - I'm not having much
> luck of late :((

Go into the Octopus prefs and make sure the dragbar box is checked, I had
this very problem (BTW You can only access the prefs from the Octopus menu
if the prefs executable is located directly in the NetConnect3: dir i.e.

Danny Shepherd.

UIN: 30044173

Member of the AmigaRC5 team and cracking blocks at 831K keys/sec

Software suppliers are trying to make their software packages more
'user-friendly'.... Their best approach, so far, has been to take all
the old brochures, and stamp the words, 'user-friendly' on the cover.
-- Bill Gates

Message 34250

From :"Gareth Knight" <>
Subject: [afb] CDXL to AVI
Date: Mon, 26 Jul 1999 12:16:09 +0100
Anyone know a program for Amiga or Windows 9x that will convert CDXL to AVI,
MPG, or
MOV without splitting the audio and video into two separate files?
Gareth Knight
Amiga Interactive Guide -

Message 34251

From :"Paul Cundle" <>
Subject: [afb] Re: Problems with os3.5 and NC3 and PCMCIA
Date: 26 Oct 99 23:52:19 +0000
Some guy around here has been mumbling again. Apparently he goes
by the name of Danny Shepherd.

> Go into the Octopus prefs and make sure the dragbar box is checked, I had
> this very problem (BTW You can only access the prefs from the Octopus menu
> if the prefs executable is located directly in the NetConnect3: dir i.e.
> NetConnect:OctopusPrefs.

You can save the new position by rightclicking on one of the buttons
and selecting snapshot as well. Just to add my little bit.

> Danny Shepherd.

Paul C, desperate to change your name
... People complain about dolphins getting caught in tuna nets.
    But what about the tuna?

Message 34252

From :James Lowe <>
Subject: [afb] Re: OS 3.5 PIRATED!
Date: Tue, 26 Oct 1999 22:03:50 +0100
We are the Seifert. OS 3.5 PIRATED! is futile. Prepare to be assimilated.

> After putting up with pricks like them for that last session, I
> don't think I could be bothered using IRC again.

Understandable, but just use a different network. On the network I
use, ARCNet, piracy and DoS attacks aren't tolerated at all. These
people are g-lined, and if possible, they're reported. All the channel
owners do this, I have never seen a single idiot like this last more
than a minute on this network.

*#James Lowe#*  */E-Mail/*:   */ICQ:/* 15846720
            */WWW   /*:
            */Virus Help Team Netherlands*/ -
... "Bother," said Tim Seifert, as he played with the Cenobite's puzzle box.

Message 34253

From :James Lowe <>
Subject: [afb] Re: OS 3.5 PIRATED!
Date: Tue, 26 Oct 1999 22:18:47 +0100
What's the frequency, Godzilla, is your OS 3.5 PIRATED!, uh huh?

> To ANY programmers with skill enough to write a virus or bug that
> will cause as much harm as possible to a system and hard drive (And

No. That's certainly not a good idea, for two reasons:

1) There have been many viri such as the ones you describe, but
   they've always escaped outside the targets they were intended for, and
   it's we, the members of the VHT, who have to pick up the pieces.

2) Programming *any* virus makes you just as bad as the pirates.

The sentiment is good, but it's not a good idea to release a virus at

*#James Lowe#*  */E-Mail/*:   */ICQ:/* 15846720
            */WWW   /*:
            */Virus Help Team Netherlands*/ -
... It's better to give than to lend, and it costs about the same.

Message 34254

From :"Oliver Roberts" <>
Subject: [afb] Re: Scanners and stuff.
Date: 27 Oct 99 00:20:42 +0100
Hi Andrew,

On 26-Oct-99 21:56:05 BST, Andrew Hall wrote:

> Also I have seen scanners for as little as 50 in the shops, will these
> work with the standard Amiga parallel port?

"No" is the simple answer :(  Theoretically, they'll work with 3rd
party EPP parallel ports, such as the one that HyperCOM provides.
However, the problem is that not many (if any) drivers exist for
parallel scanners :(

> Or will I have to fork out for a SCSI Scanner?

This would be the easiest, yes.  Many Amiga drivers exist for SCSI based
scanners.  Epson units, in particular, are very well supported on the
Amiga and are well built.

SCSI doesn't necessarily have to mean expensive.  SCSI based scanners
will usually be faster anyway, and the general rule of thumb is that
more expensive scanners offer better scan quality than a lot of the
50 parallel jobbies.

If you're 030 card does not sport a SCSI interface, then you may want
to consider something like a Blizzard 1240/1260 + SCSI kit.

 *Oliver Roberts*  -  Norwich, UK  -  Software Developer & Web Designer
 /  |  /  -  ICQ: 34640231
 [ PGP public key available on request ]        Team *AMIGA*

Message 34255

From :fool <>
Subject: [afb] Re: Need A1200 Part
Date: Tue, 26 Oct 1999 23:55:47 +0100
Hi Mark,

On 26-Oct-99 you wrote:

>> I've got a whole, dead A1200 sitting here (anyone else looking for
>> spares?)).

> Yeah, any chance of having the video DAC chip (U30 next to the video
> port)? It might be tricky to remove in one piece though.

Desoldering surface mounted chips (without killing them) is a bit beyond me
(well, probably) - besides, it's something on the mobo that's dead (never did
figure out what) so I couldn't guarantee it'd work anyway (and it's already
got a little yellow wire attached...).

But, I'll have a look at removing it and, if I can get it out in one piece,
it's yours if you still want it.


Message 34256

From :fool <>
Subject: [afb] Re: Voting Results: Will you be buying OS3.5?
Date: Wed, 27 Oct 1999 00:00:09 +0100
Hi Ben,

On 26-Oct-99 you wrote:

>> Yep, laziness and the fact that it's irritating to have to run a browser
>> just to vote (especially as the only browser I have installed is on my
>> PC) when all most people want to do is up/download their email.

> If you're on at least one mailing list I reckon that while your mail is
> downloading you can start your browser, get to the afb poll page and fill
> it in and be finished before your mail is done downloading. After all, the
> Amiga *is* a multi-tasking machine...

True, I /could/ do that but a:  I'm desperately short of space on my hard
drive and I don't want to waste what little I have by installing software
I'm hardly ever going to use and b:  why should I have to install software
I'll hardly use when I should (IMO) be able to vote using the software I
already have installed?


Message 34257

From :fool <>
Subject: [afb] Re: Voting Results: Will you be buying OS3.5?
Date: Wed, 27 Oct 1999 00:10:30 +0100
Hi Patrice,

On 26-Oct-99 you wrote:

>  My point was that if you decide to make voting "easier", it will
> automatically give votes a different meaning.

Yep, it'll mean that more people vote so we'll have a better representation
of people's opinions :)

> You know that some countries
> or institutions try to make voting compulsory, whereas others insist that
> it should remain a voluntary act.
>  I keep thinking that, in both cases, blank votes or abstentions should
> be counted together with so-called "expressed opinions" which were partly
> induced by the question itself,

I do see your point but I think that it would make matters unneccessarily
complicated - especially for polls conducted on a (relatively informal)
mailing list.

> and sometimes biased by suggested answers.


>  Concerning the last poll, my vote should have been /"No, I'll buy it/
> /second-hand in a month or two, from disappointed users"/, but I wasn't
> offered that choice.

Ah well, the choice is there if you know how... ;)  I sometimes wonder if
maybe hacking the polls to add the answer that you want to give is a
reasonable solution - after all, there is the option in elections to write
in the name of a candidate you want to vote for if (s)he's not already

>> You're joking right? 

>  Of course I am! But I always forget to add a smiley.



Message 34258

From :fool <>
Subject: [afb] Re: Voting Results: Will you be buying OS3.5?
Date: Wed, 27 Oct 1999 00:02:06 +0100
Hi Neil,

On 26-Oct-99 you wrote:


> It would be easy to make the
> automated poll mail contain a clickable mailto: link for each option,
> and have the mails counted at the other end.

That's exactly what I had in mind - eGroups are (apparently) thinking
about it :)


Message 34259

From :"Eddie Maddock" <>
Subject: [afb] Re: Bens Poll
Date: 27 Oct 99 00:53:47 -0500
Hi Andy,

> >Hopefully my copy of Netconnect 3 will be turning up some time this
> >week, so I'll be able to give the latest Voyager a try (in the

> In that case, you may as well download V=B3pre4 from Vapor=2E Why? Becaus=
> the copies of NC3 being sent out have pre4 on them and it just so
> happens that it will crash (and Web Vision) when trying to start it=2E

Cheers for that=2E I'll download pre4 then=2E Strange isn't it ? After a
relatively quiet period, everything's turning up at once=2E NC3, OS3=2E5
and, yesterday morning, my analogue steering wheel for Virtual Grand

At last, I get to kick some serious F1 butt  ;)



Message 34260

From :"Eddie Maddock" <>
Subject: [afb] Re: Worship your Quake god
Date: 27 Oct 99 01:40:26 -0500
Hi Mash,

> I saw some tramp downing a can of "TURBO Cider" yesterday, almost sounds
> medicinal

Ahem... I'd appreciate it if you'd not tell everyone... I was having a
bad day... I don't normally dress like that...  ahem...


Message 34261

From :"Carl Berry" <>
Subject: [afb] KS 3.1 turned my machine pyschic.
Date: 27 Oct 99 01:47:36 +0000
On tonights show we have someone who claims that installing Kickstart
3.1 ROMs turned his Amiga into a object of the occult and kept him
off line for 4 days.  We'll call him Carl Berry of Accrington in
Lancashire because anyone stupid enough to appear on this show
deserves no anonymity at all.

So tell us how it began.

Well I have this friend who being a PC owner has to upgrade his
machine every 30 minutes to stop it being obselete, anyway after
several upgardes he had this spare IDE CD drive which he didn't use
any more, so he gave it me.  Well after reading a few articles and
manuals I thought what I needed was a buffered IDE interface so I
could connect a 3.5 inch drive more easily.

and did you buy such a device ?

No, not yet, I mean I'm planning to and everything but there were more
important things.

and how many IDE drives do you have connected to your Amiga ?

None.  Everythings SCSI via a classic Squirrel.  HD, CD drive, Zip250
like all SCSI and everything.

Ok carry on.

Well nothing freaky happened then my pre-ordered version of OS3.5
arrived with the KS3.1 ROMS.


Well everyone had said it was a good thing and theres this mailing
list I subscribe to and they said it would be a good thing I mean they
were right about Dopus and everything.  Anyway I inserted the ROMS and
installed OS3.1, nothing booted up until I reinstalled the Squirrel
software but then everything was OK.  So I did the pre 3.5 installl.


Well I answered all the questions truthfully and when it told me to
reboot I tried but I just got this black screen.

And you retried this several times...

Yes, yes, but in desperation I was trying everything but nothing was
working,  I kept re-installing 3.1 and trying the pre 3.5 install
again and again with the same result.

But you did get it to work didn't you ?

Yes (sob!) it was this one question "Do  you use a 4 way IDE adapter
?" I always answered no because I don't, look I don't (sob) have any
IDE drives connected at all.  But this one time I answered yes.


And it worked, it booted fine I completed the 3.5 install with no
mean I'm scared man, real scared (sob).

Scary I'm sure you'll agree.  Next week The satan worshipping
company that owns the copyright on my computer keeps annoucing
promising sounding plans then dumping them in favour of vague sounding
software designs.

Footnote : Since the recording of this programme problems have been
found with Oxypatcher.  Placing OpenOxyPPort at the beginning of the
startup-sequence causes the machine not to boot at all (displays a
black screen).   Otherwise OS 3.5 has not caused any problems with the
user featured (head spinning and green vomitting are unconfirmed at
this time).

Message 34262

Subject: [afb] Re: AF130 - Month in view
Date: Wed, 27 Oct 1999 08:24:59 +0100

>> You took the piss saying I was replying to Neil Bothwick when I was
>> actually replying to Alan Buxey - I've just shown the actual reply an thus
>> proving you WRONG -- so what, now you're denying you said it in the first
>> place? Sort it out mate - no one likes a fool (except Martin!!)

> That quote you put under the last mail? I never wrote a single line of that!
> You're wrong!. I said something completely different, hich WAS in reply to
> Neil

This is pointless so this is the last comment I'm making....
You obviously don't even remember what *you* said.  You said "Methinks you don't
know who Neil is", I said "I do, but I was talking to Alan", you said "no you
weren't", etc.  And now you're not even making sense.  Sort it out.


Message 34263

From :"James Jaffrey" <>
Subject: [afb] Re: What the hell is going on now
Date: Wed, 27 Oct 1999 08:25:49 GMT

On Fri, 10 Sep 1999 you wrote quite a lot which suggested that you may be 
slightly miffed at Gateway dropping and AMiGA box:

There is an obvious response, but you probably won't like it. The AMiGA is 
more than just a box (or something like that) and is a completely different 
way of thinking. While it is nice to believe this, I agree with you that it 
is just a tad disappointing that Gateway dropped the new machine.

The only thing I can say, is wait for a G4. That will seriously kick PC ass 
and although it is only a short term solution, one of these babies will blow 
your mind (after your wallet). It, at the moment, is the closest we are 
going to get with a new machine.



Message 34264

From :Tudor Davies <>
Subject: [afb] Re: Does 3.5 support the pipeline isdn hub
Date: Wed, 27 Oct 1999 10:29:09 +0200
On Tue, Oct 26, 1999 at 04:28:31PM -0700, wrote:

> My company gave me an ISDN line to work from home on.  Anyhow they also
> loned us a PIPELINE ISDN HUB by ASCEND for some reason or another.  and
> i was wondering if anybody has gotten on of those to work on there
> amiga.  especialy with os3.5

OS is irrelevant - question is - which Pipelink have you got? There is a
number after it as they are called Pipeline 50, Pipiline 75, etc.

I work at Lucent/Ascend and these are one of my babies (inherited not my own
:), as I am part of the IP/Remote Access division, so if you let me know 
the model, I will give you some more info.


Tudor Davies                         Running Amiga, Mac, PC & Unices
                                     Technology in Perfect Harmony                     
Visit         Specialist in Internet Security & ISP      Support (RADIUS, Firewalls & Routing)

Message 34265

From :Tudor Davies <>
Subject: [afb] Re: KS 3.1 turned my machine pyschic.
Date: Wed, 27 Oct 1999 10:32:50 +0200
Carl B. wrote like a man possessed:
<big snip>
> But you did get it to work didn't you ?
> Yes (sob!) it was this one question "Do  you use a 4 way IDE adapter
> ?" I always answered no because I don't, look I don't (sob) have any
> IDE drives connected at all.  But this one time I answered yes.
> And....
> And it worked, it booted fine I completed the 3.5 install with no
> mean I'm scared man, real scared (sob).

Nice one Carl - wicked SOH ;)

> Footnote : Since the recording of this programme problems have been
> found with Oxypatcher.  Placing OpenOxyPPort at the beginning of the
> startup-sequence causes the machine not to boot at all (displays a
> black screen).   Otherwise OS 3.5 has not caused any problems with the
> user featured (head spinning and green vomitting are unconfirmed at
> this time).

Hmmm - haven't tried OxyPatcher yet - will try it out tonight with a fresh


Tudor Davies                         Running Amiga, Mac, PC & Unices
                                     Technology in Perfect Harmony                     
Visit         Specialist in Internet Security & ISP      Support (RADIUS, Firewalls & Routing)

Message 34266

From :"Ben Vost" <>
Subject: [afb] Re: what would you pay?
Date: Wed, 27 Oct 1999 09:28:57 +0100
Hi Danny,

> I think he knows what it is worth though, he's had an Amiga of some sort
> since 1990 and he's a bit of a myzar!

What? An RC5 GUI?

All the best,
Ben Vost (x2337)                T: (+44) 01225 442244
Editor, Amiga Format            F: (+44) 01225 732275
             PGP key available upon request
...late than never

Message 34267

From :"Sealey, M." <>
Subject: [afb] Re: Hideously unstable Amiga shock!
Date: Wed, 27 Oct 1999 09:34:51 +0100
> > It was totally stable before installed DOpus Magellen 2, and then it
> > became a bit shaky. However, the problem has got worse. It seems to
> > crash just as DOpus' load gauge fills. I have FBlit, 
> > RexxMast, and Arq in WBStartup, 
> remove fblit and arq. 

You're right about Arq. But as long as FBlit is started at nearly the
top of his startup and he makes sure he's running the LATEST version
(either the last 2.x version which never hit Aminet, or the latest
3.x version which is still in beta) then he'll be fine. My Amiga is
living proof that patch order *counts*.

With regards to FBlit, people diss it because they install the
Aminet version. Well sorry, but FBlit rocks *if you keep it up-to-date*
and the Aminet version is *not* the latest version, it has a SERIOUS
bug which WILL make your machine crash sometimes.

(oh, install SetMan!)

Matt Sealey 
Distributed Systems Support
Computer Centre
University of Leicester

Message 34268

From :"Ben Vost" <>
Subject: [afb] Re: OS 3.5 Mistakes
Date: Wed, 27 Oct 1999 09:30:28 +0100
Hi Tudor,

> 2. Creating Emergency disk - picture of PowerMac not a towered Amiga..
>  (might forgive them this :)

Might not even be a Power Mac. I have the feeling it's a Quadra 950, but
then at least it's based on the 68040... :)

All the best,
Ben Vost (x2337)                T: (+44) 01225 442244
Editor, Amiga Format            F: (+44) 01225 732275
             PGP key available upon request
     Atheism is a non-prophet organization.

Message 34269

From :"Ben Vost" <>
Subject: [afb] Re: Amiga Shopper & Ben
Date: Wed, 27 Oct 1999 09:32:09 +0100

> True but then again you do work for the same company that produces AF.
> So how copyright would affect it in that way.  Would it be in theory
> that if you decided to put other Future mag frontcovers in AF without
> asking. Would that break copyright then?

I guess it would, but it would never happen because it would be so much
easier to ask them for the covers (and better quality) than us having to
scan them all in, then we'd get the question "why the bloody hell do you
want to put our covers on your CD?!"

All the best,
Ben Vost (x2337)                T: (+44) 01225 442244
Editor, Amiga Format            F: (+44) 01225 732275
             PGP key available upon request
Excuse for the day: change in Earth's rotational speed

Message 34270

From :Tudor Davies <>
Subject: [afb] Re: OS 3.5 Mistakes
Date: Wed, 27 Oct 1999 10:39:08 +0200
On Wed, Oct 27, 1999 at 09:30:28AM +0100, Ben Vost wrote:

> Might not even be a Power Mac. I have the feeling it's a Quadra 950, but
> then at least it's based on the 68040... :)

Good point - the tower case for my 8100/100 is classed as Quadra - but that
has a PPC601 in it, so we don't like to talk about it :)


Tudor Davies                         Running Amiga, Mac, PC & Unices
                                     Technology in Perfect Harmony                     
Visit         Specialist in Internet Security & ISP      Support (RADIUS, Firewalls & Routing)

Message 34271

From :"Ben Vost" <>
Subject: [afb] Re: Scanners and stuff.
Date: Wed, 27 Oct 1999 09:35:39 +0100
Hi Andrew,

> Hi there, this is my first posting to this mailing list, but I've been
> reading it on and off for a couple of months......


> I have a monitor with Scandoubler/FF, a new inkjet printer, more memory=
, a
> scanner and a second hardisk on my wishlist. Anyone else have any
> suggestions as to what else I'll need?

Probably not, but a gfx card would be a definite must if you can afford o=

> Also I have seen scanners for as little as =A350 in the shops, will the=
> work with the standard Amiga parallel port? Or will I have to fork out =
> a SCSI Scanner?

You get what you pay for. Those cheap scanners are cheap for a good reaso=
n -
they produce terrible quality in my experience...

All the best,
-- =

Ben Vost (x2337)                T: (+44) 01225 442244
Editor, Amiga Format            F: (+44) 01225 732275
             PGP key available upon request
Excuse for the day: piezo-electric interference

Message 34272

From :"Sealey, M." <>
Subject: [afb] Re: OS 3.5 Mistakes
Date: Wed, 27 Oct 1999 09:41:41 +0100
> OK who has spotted any....
> I'll start
> 1. First graphics screen - hands shaking - "develpoment" instead of
> "development".

I couldn't read the text, it said 'Thanks for buying OS3..' and was
obscured by the scroll bar. The text underneath was so dithered on
the 16 colour 640x256 PAL screen it INSISTED on opening that I
literally got a headache trying to find out what the things said.
> Apart from that - it installed a dream - everything works (that I have
> tested) and it looks good! Thumbs up to H&P, Amiga, et al.

Yep, works for me too. I've found, however, that while it replaced the
functionality of half my patches, it still doesn't do things like they
used to. The new Information requester is HIDEOUS (and the Reactor
version (on the CD, 'RAWBInfo') is even worse!)

Plus keyboard control is incomplete so I've had to install PowerWB
just to get the 'press delete to delete a file' functionality. I
wonder if ReKeyIt still works on OS3.5...?

Oh it *is* nice though. Faster, smoother and more.. neat than

But I won't like it as much as I liked my old patchy system until
it gets all it's functionality back, especially now that somehow
my truetype fonts have decided to go into EXTREMELY SMALL mode
where a 10pt font is only 4 pixels high, rather than where before
it was actually 10 pixels high, and looking rather nice for it.

I think it's something in the ENV:sys/diskfont variable, XDPI and
YDPI or something.. but the new Diskfont.library doesn't seem to
be taking notice..

Hmmmmm... anyone got any hints?

Matt Sealey 
Distributed Systems Support
Computer Centre
University of Leicester

Message 34273

From :"Alan L.M. Buxey" <>
Subject: [afb] Re: what would you pay?
Date: Wed, 27 Oct 1999 09:43:01 +0100 (BST)
On Tue, 26 Oct 1999, Danny Shepherd wrote:

> Micronik Infintiv 2 Tower case + 200 PSU
> Fixed 1.d.4 Motherboard (From Eyetech with all fixes)
> OS V3.1
> Micronik High Density 1.76Mb floppy
> Elbox EIDE '99 interface + Allegro CDFS (DVD Ready)
> 40x EIDE Samsung CDROM
> 6.4 GB IDE (PIO4) Fujitsu HD
> 16 Mb EDO RAM
> Blizzard PPC 240/040-25 - No Scsi
> PowerC Keyboard Interface
> Genuine Amiga Keyboard (A4000)
> Pair of 240W (PMPO) Speakers

500 ukp.  this price is 350 for the parts, and 150 for the PPC card

Message 34274

From :"Sealey, M." <>
Subject: [afb] Re: Errooorr.. An error has occured!!
Date: Wed, 27 Oct 1999 09:43:33 +0100
> > RAMlIB
> > Program failed
> > (error #8000003D)
> OK. First I have to confess I really don't have an idea what I am
> talking about. But this won't prevent me from trying to help anyway ;)
> Ramlib frequently crashes when you have too much patches 
> running because
> every patch needs a bit of its stack (or so...). Are there 
> some patches
> running on your system? You might want to install a prg like Growstack
> to try to solve this problem, or alternatively remove patches.
> This explanation could be completely wrong, but I had many Ramlib
> crashes with MCP before I used Growstack.
> I hope this helps...

I'm with Oliver on this. Ramlib is VERY short on stack space (400 bytes
or something silly) and my Amiga crashed a lot until I put

Growstack "ramlib" 16384  ;A little overkill on the stack :)

in my startup-sequence..

Matt Sealey 
Distributed Systems Support
Computer Centre
University of Leicester

Message 34275

From :"Alan L.M. Buxey" <>
Subject: [afb] Re: OS 3.5 Mistakes
Date: Wed, 27 Oct 1999 09:43:48 +0100 (BST)
On Tue, 26 Oct 1999, Tudor Davies wrote:

> 2. Creating Emergency disk - picture of PowerMac not a towered Amiga..
>   (might forgive them this :)

are you *sure* its not a towered Amiga?


Message 34276

From :"Godzilla" <>
Subject: [afb] Re: OS3.5
Date: Wed, 27 Oct 1999 01:46:41 -0700
Hello all... I just had a MAJOR problem with my Mailbox (Actually a problem
on the server of my ISP) which caused me to lose the last 48 hours of Email!
(Including list messages)

I've bene following the OS 3.5 news and reviews on this list VERY closely
(My preordered copy should be here tomorrow!) and I'm terribly dissapointed
to have missed any of your bugs, fixes and opinions on this...

If it's not too much trouble could you please send me a copy of anything
you've said relating to OS 3.5 in the last 48 (or even 24) hours?

Kind regards,
Jack C. Thompson

Message 34277

Subject: [afb] Best Amiga Game Ever !
Date: Wed, 27 Oct 1999 02:49:21 -0700
Hi Everyone,

Just letting Amiga Games fans know that Amiga Oasis are holding a vote
for the best Amiga game of all time, everyone is welcome to vote.


John Porter

Message 34278

From :"Alan L.M. Buxey" <>
Subject: [afb] Re: OS3.5
Date: Wed, 27 Oct 1999 09:49:41 +0100 (BST)
On Tue, 26 Oct 1999, Jonathan Day wrote:

> Got very annoyed, had a very long chat to Tony, who tells me that actually
> it`s a m/b fault, they could have fixed it 3 months ago, and if I send my
> m/b they`ll fix it.  Bit strange considering how`s on their second test they
> agreed it was faulty.
> Admittedly Tony offered to fix it for free, if I paid to get the m/b to
> them.  I told him where to go, to send the 060 back, and got on the phone to
> Eyetech, and then found out they`re only 20 minutes away :-)
> I hand delivered the 060, SIMM and my m/b after normal hours, got a phone
> call next day to say they`d fully tested them all and there was nought
> wrong.  They then offered to do the m/b fix anyway since they had it, to
> which I agreed, and it was the only thing they charged me for, the price
> straight out of AF.  Picked it up next evening, again out of hours and I had
> 060 power!

posting the MB to PowerC wouldnt have cost that much...i dont see the
relevance ;-)

Message 34279

From :Tudor Davies <>
Subject: [afb] Re: OS 3.5 Mistakes
Date: Wed, 27 Oct 1999 10:51:27 +0200
Alan wrote:

> are you *sure* its not a towered Amiga?

Yep - I even looked at my PMac from the same angle as the picture, and it is
definately a Mac Quadra or PowerMac (Quadra case).

Is is the funny lip above the floppy drive that gives it away :)


Tudor Davies                         Running Amiga, Mac, PC & Unices
                                     Technology in Perfect Harmony                     
Visit         Specialist in Internet Security & ISP      Support (RADIUS, Firewalls & Routing)

Message 34280

From :"Alan L.M. Buxey" <>
Subject: [afb] Re: Scanners and stuff.
Date: Wed, 27 Oct 1999 09:53:19 +0100 (BST)
On Tue, 26 Oct 1999, Andrew Hall wrote:

> I have a monitor with Scandoubler/FF, a new inkjet printer, more memory, =
> scanner and a second hardisk on my wishlist. Anyone else have any
> suggestions as to what else I'll need?

more CPU power and a gfx card.
> Also I have seen scanners for as little as =A350 in the shops, will these=
> with the standard Amiga parallel port? Or will I have to fork out for a S=
> Scanner?

you'd be better off to get a more expensive scanner. those freebie types
that Tiny et al give away arent good


Message 34281

From :"Ben Vost" <>
Subject: [afb] Re: OS3.5
Date: Wed, 27 Oct 1999 09:49:31 +0100
Hi Godzilla,

> Hello all... I just had a MAJOR problem with my Mailbox (Actually a
> problem on the server of my ISP) which caused me to lose the last 48 hours
> of Email! (Including list messages)

> I've bene following the OS 3.5 news and reviews on this list VERY closely
> (My preordered copy should be here tomorrow!) and I'm terribly
> dissapointed to have missed any of your bugs, fixes and opinions on
> this...

> If it's not too much trouble could you please send me a copy of anything
> you've said relating to OS 3.5 in the last 48 (or even 24) hours?

Just read the emails on the website.

All the best,
Ben Vost (x2337)                T: (+44) 01225 442244
Editor, Amiga Format            F: (+44) 01225 732275
             PGP key available upon request
Suborbital Ballistic-Propulsion Engineer Not 
Exactly A Rocket Scientist

Message 34282

From :"Sealey, M." <>
Subject: [afb] Re: Problems with os3.5 and NC3 and PCMCIA
Date: Wed, 27 Oct 1999 09:55:06 +0100
> Hi there,
> I got my copy of os3.5  and it`s now installed.
> Early opinions... well they seem to have done the bare minimum.
> I was looking forward to a printer driver for my Epson Stylus 
> 740. In the publicity it said drivers for all major printers.
> All I got was EpsonQ EpsonX and basically just the drivers
> for Espon provided with os3.1. How am I supposed to make use
> of the PPC printing support without an os3.5 Epson Stylus
> 740 printer driver?

Easy, simply go to the OS-Version3.5 drawer on the CD, select
Show All Files, go into Devs/Printers and find the one you
want. There are an ABSOLUTE TON of printers in there, even
ones for the latest HP Deskjets.

They really skimped on the installer..

> Also, what happens when os3.1 software dumps older versions 
> of datatypes or libraries without asking? I guess it depends
> on how well the software installer script is written I guess.

You could always replace them from the CD.

Windows 2000 has a feature that protects all the system installed
DLLs in the C:\WINNT\ directory - I'd love to see that in OS3.6,
built into LoadWB or something, that warns you if a library is
a lower version than you installed from the CD (and requests if
you want to reinstall the newer lib)

> Also, how is it possible to update drawer icons installed by
> non os3.5 software.

There is an icon converter on the CD. It works, but it's buried
in a LOAD of stuff..

> Is it still going to be the case that we`ll have to 
> do it all manually unlike Windoze 98 that standardises
> these features  albeit with boring drawer icons ;o)


> Other things were slightly disappointing. Things like the 
> screen blanker were unchanged

Nobody uses it anyway. Why change it?

> and even the Clock commodity was unchanged.

Nobody uses it anyway. Why change it?


> Ed is no different either.

But you can always use EditPad..

> Another thing that`s not improved - snapshot of icons - just 
> like 3.1 a snapshot of drawer icons doesn`t necessarily mean
> the icons stay that way when you go back to that drive or
> directory.

Huh? THat sounds like a system specific quirk, it certainly
doesn't happen on my system.. in fact I can't see how that
would happen at all..

> I like the resize to fit function - that adds a little ease
> of use.

Oh yes :) If only I could bind it to a keypress..

> And...... not all the icons have been overhauled. device and 
> monitor drivers are still old style as well as other icons
> I`ve found whilst  going through the system.

HDBackup a prime example. But nobody uses it anyway, so why
bother? :)

It was deleted from my system tout-suite :)

> A problem. Just installing my software here and I thought I`d 
> try using the ethernet card in the PCMCIA slot to file share.
> I use the hydrapcm.device supplied with the ethernet card from Siamese
> Systems. It`s been rock steady with my system for quite some time now.
> Anyway, I`ve reinstalled Miami Dx and put all my drivers back 
> so the correct driver is selected and in its proper drawer. All
> my prefs and keys are regularly archived incase of danger so I`d
> put all my MiamiDx prefs/keys back from my previous installation
> as well as other keys like my mui.key.
> Well, pressing online for Ethernet crashes the system with a 
> guru meditation of
>                                 #80000004

Increase your stack in Workbench prefs, and Miami's stack too.
You might want to instal StackAttack and increase the system
default stack, too, so that devices and things take notice..

> all working well. Just wondered if it might be os3.5 - if not 
> does anyone have any ideas?

OS3.5 doesn't have the scope to make your card driver crash,
so it's not anything that OS3.5 has caused - not DIRECTLY

Make sure you have enough stack, and that you aren't running
anything that uses MOVE16 (CMQ for the 040/060 for example)..

> Sent by my trusty Amiga well hardware wise ;o)
> Running with a1200T os3.5 603e+ 040/25 and 160MHz PPC... and 
> Blizzvision GFX

Cybergraphics version? 68040.library version?

Matt Sealey 
Distributed Systems Support
Computer Centre
University of Leicester

Message 34283

From :"Sealey, M." <>
Subject: [afb] Re: Hideously unstable Amiga shock!
Date: Wed, 27 Oct 1999 09:56:58 +0100
> Hi Ben
> Subject: [afb] Re: Hideously unstable Amiga shock!
> Just a thought.  Why not ask Matt to do a feature (or two) on this?

LOL! Because it's WAY too system specific. Although I can offer
pointers on how to get a stable system (patch order, using SetMan,
keeping software up-to-date) you'll get nothing from me that
Ben can't already tell you.

Although having an article published would be severly cool. I will
work for peanuts (literally :)

> > Send me the appropriate startup files, lists of apps in WBStartup
> > (and order of loading) and I'll sort them out for you.

Matt Sealey 
Distributed Systems Support
Computer Centre
University of Leicester

Message 34284

From :"James Jaffrey" <>
Subject: [afb] Re: Processors
Date: Wed, 27 Oct 1999 08:57:27 GMT

On Sun, 10 Oct 1999 (I think my dates may be slightly messed up because I 
only got this mail today) you wrote:

>Hi ppl,
>One thing I don't get is the speed ratings of processors.  I have a
>33MHz 020.  Looking at info about accelerators some place I read that
>an 040 40MHz was rated at 30MIPS, an 060 66MHz was rated at 51MIPS and
>an 060 75MHz was rated at 60MHz.
>Does this mean that an 040 is only as powerful as my 020 (33MHz), and
>the fastest 68xxx processor U can get is still only twice as fast as my
>020?? :(((((
>I hope not because for 300 I'd want something at least 6 times faster
>than an 020...
>Please someone enlighten me,

The MHz rating doesn't mean a great amount for AMiGA processors. Let me give 
you an example:

My 030/50MHz ran at 9.91MIPS, but my 040/25MHz runs at 18.5MIPS (according 
to SYSInfo). This means that an 060 would be at least twice as fast (going 
by MIPS) as my 040 and could be three times faster if you get an upper end 
one. Lets put this in perspective. Your 020/33 probably runs at about 4 MIPS 
so my 040 could be over 4 times faster (doing the maths) so an 060 running 3 
times faster than my 040 would be 12 times or more faster than your 020.

Heres the problem. This is not always the case. My 040 has a really bad 
memory interface - probably the one of the slowest on the Market. This 
seriously cripples some things - access to my HDD has dropped from almost 
3MB/s on my 030 to 1.8MB/s on my 040. HOWEVER because I now have an CPU 
twice as fast and an FPU, the performance of my machine has improved. 
Workbench windows open quicker on a 16 colour screen than on a bog standard 
A1200 running a 4 colour WB.
  Graphics move quicker, are more quickely rendered because of the FPU, less 
waiting around, my machine boots quicker because the 040 can process data 
more quickely - even though memory access is slightly crippled.
  If your into sound, you can created more complicated songs, have the 
possibility of creating MP3's (If you have a few hours, days or even weeks - 
depending on the stuff you want to convert), but generally you can do stuff 
  Programming becomes easier - less time waiting around for the compiler, 
you can write more complicated programs.
  And finally games. Well what can I say, if your an A-Train fan and you own 
an 060, you will never see the bullet train going along it's track. 3D games 
such as Genetic Species can be played at full screen, don't hold your breath 
for Quake - my 040 can barely manage 7Fps on the smallest window size.
  Generally though, EVERYTHING is speeded up.

I hope this has helped a bit, and not made matters worse.



Message 34285

From :Chris Andrews <>
Subject: [afb] Re: Hideously unstable Amiga shock!
Date: Wed, 27 Oct 1999 08:58:55 +0000 (GMT)
On Wed, 27 Oct 1999, Sealey, M. wrote:
> Although having an article published would be severly cool. I will
> work for peanuts (literally :)

  You trying to suggest that AF is a comic strip?  ;)


Message 34286

From :"Sealey, M." <>
Subject: [afb] Re: Hideously unstable Amiga shock!
Date: Wed, 27 Oct 1999 10:02:15 +0100
> On Wed, 27 Oct 1999, Sealey, M. wrote:
> > Although having an article published would be severly cool. I will
> > work for peanuts (literally :)
> You trying to suggest that AF is a comic strip?  ;)

No, but I do a wicked Chewbacca impression. Only having long hair
makes it possible ... grrrraa!

Matt Sealey 
Distributed Systems Support
Computer Centre
University of Leicester

Message 34287

From :"Carl Jermy" <>
Subject: [afb] G4 news
Date: Wed, 27 Oct 1999 10:42:29 +0100
Anybody seen the latest news about the G4???

See Phase5's web site:


Message 34288

From :"Sealey, M." <>
Subject: [afb] Re: G4 news
Date: Wed, 27 Oct 1999 10:49:57 +0100
> Anybody seen the latest news about the G4???
> See Phase5's web site:

All us in-the-know people have known about that
for WEEKS (well.. 'a' week in my case :)

It's nothing to worry about, and certainly
nothing phase5 can fix magically. Blame
Motorola and Apple!

Matt Sealey 
Distributed Systems Support
Computer Centre
University of Leicester

Message 34289

Subject: [afb] Re: Hideously unstable Amiga shock!
Date: Wed, 27 Oct 1999 04:07:04 -0700
> > > I have FBlit, RexxMast and Arq in WBStartup, 
> > 
> > remove fblit and arq. 
> You're right about Arq.
<snip> (and CUT!)

I've never had any trouble with Arq messing up my miggy, even with
various patches. I tried out ReqAttack, as suggested, and it proved,
hm, disappointing. All I want is for my requesters to look
half-descent: I don't want some arcane scripting or smiling faces! Can
anybody suggest *another* patch similar to Arq?

Anyway, I have altered my startup-sequence, but where should I put
FBlit? After SetPatch?


Message 34290

From :"Alan L.M. Buxey" <>
Subject: [afb] Lovely camera!
Date: Wed, 27 Oct 1999 11:08:33 +0100 (BST)
hi guys'n'girls,

if you havent seen this, you've gotta check it out - and this should be
in the next AF issue! :-)

what a great piece of porting! hmmm...just a pity that the DC265 is
still just under 600 ukp...otherwise it'd soon be supplanting my
Gameboy. heck, i might just buy it anyway! :-)


Message 34291

Subject: [afb] What's up with Aminet?
Date: Wed, 27 Oct 1999 03:16:01 -0700
There have been no new updates in the last few days have there?

Message 34292

From :"Alan L.M. Buxey" <>
Subject: [afb] Re: G4 news
Date: Wed, 27 Oct 1999 11:18:31 +0100 (BST)
On Wed, 27 Oct 1999, Sealey, M. wrote:

> It's nothing to worry about, and certainly
> nothing phase5 can fix magically. Blame
> Motorola and Apple!

well well well. I , for one, wouldnt be unhappy having the alternative
controller and getting AGP thrown in as well!  I also like the idea that
it [ the new controller] is part of the IBM Linux-PPC reference
design...therefore the BUS would be easily accessible under the
Linux/APUS porting., since they've got FAB time this month, why
dont they make a few hundred BVisions for all those desperat people?


Message 34293

Subject: [afb] Re: Processors
Date: Wed, 27 Oct 1999 04:20:26 -0700
>   Generally though, EVERYTHING is speeded up.

Am I the only person who has upgraded from an 030 to 040 and found very
little performance gain? I expected things to be faster, and, granted,
they are, but not that much. I guess OXYPATCH is a must, huh?


Message 34294

Subject: [afb] Re: G4 news
Date: Wed, 27 Oct 1999 04:22:30 -0700
>, since they've [phase5] got FAB time this month, why
> dont they make a few hundred BVisions for all those desperat people?
> alan

Here here! Are you listening Mr. Dietrich?


Message 34295

From :Chris Andrews <>
Subject: [afb] Re: What's up with Aminet?
Date: Wed, 27 Oct 1999 10:27:59 +0000 (GMT)
On Wed, 27 Oct 1999 wrote:
> There have been no new updates in the last few days have there?

  Not on the email notifications anyway.


Message 34296

Subject: [afb] Mikro Mortal Tennis
Date: Wed, 27 Oct 1999 04:29:59 -0700
Hey! Guess what it looks as if Mikro Mortal Tennis will finally
make an appearence on the Amiga after all.

According to Czech Amiga News it will be making it's debut at the
Cologne Show. A demo is available for download from Czech.

It looks as if Epic are releasing it.

Perhaps the AF staff may wish to include the Demo on a forthcoming

(For those of you who may not remember MMT was featured as a demo on
the Amiga Magazines many years ago. Everyone thought it was cool, but
it disappeared without a trace. Look forward to getting my mitts on
this one)


Mikey C

Message 34297

From :"James Potter" <>
Subject: [afb] Soundstudio 2?
Date: Wed, 27 Oct 1999 11:19:59 +0100
Dear all,

Just read a review in a PC mag of the Win32 version of OMSS. Reading also
that version 2 was planned for release next year (in Windows, BeOs and Linux
flavours), it set me wondering what had happened to the Amiga OMSS 2
project? You know, the one that was going to use AHI?

Does anyone know?

Oh yeah, the review briefly mentioned that OMSS was a port of an Amiga
program, but didn't have all the features of the original. Ha!


James Potter.

Message 34298

From :"James Potter" <>
Subject: [afb] def_CDDA?
Date: Wed, 27 Oct 1999 11:24:12 +0100
Me again.

Having now installed the CDFS for OS3.5, can anyone tell me how to change
the CD0:CDDA icon that pops up whenever an audio CD is put in? The default
is really ugly.

I've managed to set "def_" icons for my Zip disks and CrossDos but I'm
having no luck with this. I think my difficulty is that the other icons are
set for devices and things (zips=DF7:, CrossDos=PC1: etc) but CDDA doesn't
count like that.

Am I making sense?

Thanks if you can help.



Message 34299

Subject: [afb] Re: Soundstudio 2?
Date: Wed, 27 Oct 1999 04:35:40 -0700
> Just read a review in a PC mag of the Win32 version of OMSS. Reading
> that version 2 was planned for release next year (in Windows, BeOs
and Linux
> flavours), it set me wondering what had happened to the Amiga OMSS 2
> project? You know, the one that was going to use AHI?
> Does anyone know?
> Oh yeah, the review briefly mentioned that OMSS was a port of an Amiga
> program, but didn't have all the features of the original. Ha!

PCPro wasn't it? I read it at work, where I am regularly mocked for my
beliefs... It made me laugh!


Message 34300

From :"Neil Bothwick" <>
Subject: [afb] Re: Voting Results: Will you be buying OS3.5?
Date: 27 Oct 1999 11:22:41 +0100
Chris Faircloth said, 

> And (stating the obvious) allowing for the fact that when to poll is
> announced the URL is also there, click on that and so long as you are useing
> hurl or something similar you are taken stright to the voting site, how much
> easier can it be made;-)

You'd have to be online for that to work. You may have unmetered
local calls down there, but a very large proportion of the subscribers
to this list pay for every minute online. For them, offline mail reading
is the only sensible option.

Neil Bothwick - Connected via Wirenet
The UK's first Amiga-only internet access provider
Life is like an analogy.

Message 34301

Subject: [afb] IDEFix
Date: Wed, 27 Oct 1999 04:48:14 -0700
Has anyone had any problems with this bit of software? After totally
reformatting my entire HD, then copying the copy of WB from a ZIP back
to it, it doesn't seem to recognise the registration. Now, I would
reinstall it, but I can't find the keyfile! AH!


Message 34302

Subject: [afb] YOU MUST READ THIS :-) (I've declared World War III on my Amigas!)
Date: Wed, 27 Oct 1999 04:51:40 -0700

Well - I had to get your attention because I'm having a problem and
it's driving me up the wall! :-)

If you can program in Blitz2 or C, please carry on reading, as this is
a programming problem, else, if you don't have a clue then it's best
you look away...


Rather simple really, I want to draw a Filled ellipse on to a
RasterPort (be it from a screen, window etc.)  No problems, I use the
AreaEllipse command (NB: in Blitz I'd use AreaEllipse_)  I need to draw
onto a RasterPort, not a BitMap so Blitz's CircleF is out the window. 
Being that I have programmed since 1993 with Blitz BASIC and C not long
after, I have never needed to use AreaEllipse.

So say for example I have the RasterPort's address in 'rp', the value
is valid since I've done SetAPen, Move, Draw, RectFill, DrawEllipse
etc. on it.  I call AreaEllipse as such:-

success.l=AreaEllipse_(rp,200,200,10,10)                 <blitz>
sucess=AreaEllipse(rp,200,200,10,10);                   <C>

This crashes my Amiga.  I have tried initialising AreaInfos and TmpRsts
and linking them to the RastPort structure and still it crashes!  If in
the same program I use:

if success
  if success

(that's in Blitz BTW)  This is fine.  The Window is plenty big enough
so I'm no drawing outside the valid area.  I've tried the code on A500,
A500+, A600, A1200.  

Sorry for the long mail, but this is needed for Platinum Suite 2000, 
if nobody can solve it, then filled circles and ellipses may not appear
in the publisher module - but that won't happen, will it? :-)

therefore, I request that:

* Post the correct method to MY email address (
(in C,
  or prefrably Blitz, no Cobol please... :-))

* You can post it to AFB if you must...

* The first correct method that I find that works, the respective
person who
  digs me out of this rut will be mentioned in my program's credits, OK?
  (that's the reward BTW!)

Thank-you all very much!

Long Live THE Amiga (even if Amiga themselves muck it up even more!)


Nick Lamburn.

Omega Research UK   -  email:

Message 34303

From :"Andrew McCombe" <>
Subject: [afb] Re: Soundstudio 2?
Date: Wed, 27 Oct 1999 11:57:46 +0100
----- Original Message -----
From: <>
To: <>
Sent: Wednesday, October 27, 1999 12:35 PM
Subject: [afb] Re: Soundstudio 2?

> > Just read a review in a PC mag of the Win32 version of OMSS. Reading
> also
> > that version 2 was planned for release next year (in Windows, BeOs
> and Linux
> > flavours), it set me wondering what had happened to the Amiga OMSS 2
> > project? You know, the one that was going to use AHI?
> >
> > Does anyone know?

If you check out the octamed site (sorry, can't remember the url), there's a
downloadable beta of OSS2.  It looks good, but is lacking in a lot of

Message 34304

Subject: [afb] Re: Mikro Mortal Tennis
Date: Wed, 27 Oct 1999 05:09:53 -0700
Hi Mike,

Can you send me info on this? 


Message 34305

Subject: [afb] Re: IDEFix
Date: Wed, 27 Oct 1999 04:19:00 -0700
> Has anyone had any problems with this bit of software? After totally
> reformatting my entire HD, then copying the copy of WB from a ZIP back
> to it, it doesn't seem to recognise the registration. Now, I would
> reinstall it, but I can't find the keyfile! AH!
IDEFix is complete pain in the bum. Well, registering is. I changed
HardDrives last week and made a complete mirror (or so I thought) or my
original drive, it still wanted the registartion number.'ll
just have to make sure it's been put in right, or just send a message
to Elaborate Bytes and tell them what happened and send them your
keyfile, then they'll bust you for having someone elses key! (Just


Message 34306

Subject: [afb] Re: Mikro Mortal Tennis
Date: Wed, 27 Oct 1999 05:28:52 -0700 wrote: 

> Hi Mike,
> Can you send me info on this? 
> Regards

Same Here, that was and looks like is the best tennis game ever!  Soooo
much fun and all that!  The last I saw of it was in September 1996 in
CU Amiga! :-(



Message 34307

Subject: [afb] Re: IDEFix
Date: Wed, 27 Oct 1999 05:31:54 -0700
> IDEFix is complete pain in the bum. Well, registering is. I changed
> HardDrives last week and made a complete mirror (or so I thought) or
> original drive, it still wanted the registartion number.'ll
> just have to make sure it's been put in right, or just send a message
> to Elaborate Bytes and tell them what happened and send them your
> keyfile, then they'll bust you for having someone elses key! (Just
> kidding).

I have, but they just told me to reinstall it! GAH!


Message 34308

From :"James Potter" <>
Subject: [afb] Re: A tale of OS3.5
Date: Wed, 27 Oct 1999 12:24:13 +0100
----- Original Message -----
From: Alan L.M. Buxey <>

> On Mon, 25 Oct 1999, James Potter wrote:
> > I installed 3.2 off the CD - fine.

> 3.2?? <homer>Whhooohooo! </homer>
> :)


Though why you're excited about 3.2 when we now have the loverly 3.5 is
mystifying... :)

> > Oh, and how can this be considered a cludge when so much of the code has
> > supposedly been re-written?
> exactly...because it isnt a kludge.

That's what I thought.



Message 34309

From :"Alan L.M. Buxey" <>
Subject: [afb] Re: Soundstudio 2?
Date: Wed, 27 Oct 1999 12:32:57 +0100 (BST)

> Just read a review in a PC mag of the Win32 version of OMSS. Reading also
> that version 2 was planned for release next year (in Windows, BeOs and Linux
> flavours), it set me wondering what had happened to the Amiga OMSS 2
> project? You know, the one that was going to use AHI?

? Well, the version of OSS that I have uses AHI - i'm sure, because i
recorded direct to HD with it and filesave option.
> Oh yeah, the review briefly mentioned that OMSS was a port of an Amiga
> program, but didn't have all the features of the original. Ha!

:-) PII-450 to stop worrying that the OS wont mess up playback or the
music.... a bare A1200 with 020/14 worked fine - as did the ole A500!


Message 34310

Subject: [afb] Re: Mikro Mortal Tennis
Date: Wed, 27 Oct 1999 05:33:40 -0700
> Same Here, that was and looks like is the best tennis game ever! 
> much fun and all that!  The last I saw of it was in September 1996 in
> CU Amiga! :-(

Wow, was it really that long ago? Time sure does fly by...


Message 34311

From :"Alan L.M. Buxey" <>
Subject: [afb] Re: Voting Results: Will you be buying OS3.5?
Date: Wed, 27 Oct 1999 12:35:55 +0100 (BST)
On 27 Oct 1999, Neil Bothwick wrote:

> You'd have to be online for that to work. You may have unmetered
> local calls down there, but a very large proportion of the subscribers
> to this list pay for every minute online. For them, offline mail reading
> is the only sensible option.

when you go online, you just fire up your browser whilst grabbing your
emails. not only can you catch up with all the Amiga news within a few
minutes (hotlist all the main sites) but you can also check for any
polls. - anyone with BT for example, must be online for more than 5
minutes to make the call worthwhile! :-)


Message 34312

From :"Neil Bothwick" <>
Subject: [afb] Re: IDEFix
Date: 27 Oct 1999 12:34:59 +0100
amipal said, 

> Has anyone had any problems with this bit of software? After totally
> reformatting my entire HD, then copying the copy of WB from a ZIP back
> to it, it doesn't seem to recognise the registration. Now, I would
> reinstall it, but I can't find the keyfile! AH!

Copying kills the registration info, to stop people spreading registered
copies. Just run the register program and input your key code (when
you've found it). There's no need for a complete reinstall.

Neil Bothwick - Connected via Wirenet
The UK's first Amiga-only internet access provider
This signature project was my last, best hope to seem eloquent. It failed.
But in the year of Decency In Communications Act, it became something greater.
My last, best hope for satire. The year is 1997. The Place: Babbling On Pine.

Message 34313

From :Darren <>
Subject: [afb] HELP- Checksum error
Date: Wed, 27 Oct 1999 12:50:22 +0100
Please can someone help me. My computer crashed at the end of installing
NC3, at the "Run Genesis Wizard - Yes No" screen. I now cannot fully
access or run anything on the partition that I installed NC3 to.

I get the message "Checksum Error at Block xxxx". I also get the "Volume
not Validated" error message.

Before the installation I had used 40% of the 2Gig partition, it now
says 100% used with nothing free.

I cannot delete or run any programs on this partition. Is there anyway
of recovering from this without reformatting the partition ? If I have
to its no great loss, just annoying that I have to start from scratch

Any help/advice would be greatly received, but please can you email me
direct at work using the address below as I have no way of downloading
the mail list from the server :(

Thanks in advance, 


e-mail to

Message 34314

Subject: [afb] Re: IDEFix
Date: Wed, 27 Oct 1999 05:54:54 -0700
> Copying kills the registration info, to stop people spreading
> copies. Just run the register program and input your key code (when
> you've found it). There's no need for a complete reinstall.
> Neil

I know. If only I could find the damn thing! Of course, I could just
buy a PowerFlyer (which comes with Allegro)...


Message 34315

From :"Eng. Ricardo Fitzgerald" <>
Subject: [afb] Strange problem ...
Date: Wed, 27 Oct 1999 09:06:01 -0300
    I have a friend with a very strange problem in his A1200, he has a GVP
G-Lock PAL genlock, the one that is software driven, well what happens is
after the necessary reboot (to genlock the Amiga), all the outputs go blank
(grey), and even if you reset the machine they keep the same status, it gets
back to normal when you turn it off and then back on, but the genlock is
totally useless because you can never sync...
The A1200 is a desktop Amiga with 2 Hard drives (1 2.5" and 1 3.5" all
inside), and the floppy in an outside case (df0), it has an Apollo 030 40
Mhz and 32 Mb EDO RAM, it uses a PC modified PSU, it behaves normally except
for the above mentioned situation. BTW I couldn't make a brand new Blizzard
PPC 166 and 040 to work with it the HDs don't BOOT!



Ricardo Fitzgerald A1500T Micronik Blizzard PPC 603e 240
OmNI   & 060 50 Mhz
   64 Mb RAM CD 40 x HD6.4 Gb  VLabMotion
   A2000 Apollo 2030 030 50 Mhz 32 Mb Wb3.1
   PowerMac 9500 150 96 Mb RAM
ICQ: 37031810

>From: Paul Hilder <>
>Subject: [cu-list] Re: Surfing the Net.
>Date: dom., 17 octu 1999 19:04

> From: Paul Hilder <>
> On 17-Oct-99, Mad Mad Mike wrote:
>>>>> What if they didn't have any friends or family? Isn't that
>>>>> discrimination? ;)
>>>> You can imagine a lonely nerd sitting at his computer, getting all
>>>> depressed when he realises that according to BT, his "Best Friend"
>>>> is his ISP... :)
>>> Hey! My best friend is my ISP. Erm. :)
>> Same here! Might as well get 20% discount on the calls, eh?
>> Now, where did I put my anorak...
> It's probably hanging up next to Johnathan's. ;)
> Regards
> --------------------------- ONElist Sponsor ----------------------------
>       Win a Digital Camera and Earn 6 Percent APY Interest!
> SFNB is reinventing Internet Banking with a 6 percent APY Interest
> Checking acct. For acct details and to sign up to win a digital camera:
> <a href=" ">Click Here</a>
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> **CU-List. Please quote sparingly and read all ADMIN-README mails**

Message 34316

From :"Alan L.M. Buxey" <>
Subject: [afb] PGP? no use!
Date: Wed, 27 Oct 1999 13:14:16 +0100 (BST)

well, no need for an official to crack your PGP key to read your private

they just read the text as you read it on your screen!

Alan - off to get a government-spec shielded monitor

Message 34317

Subject: [afb] Re: PGP? no use!
Date: Wed, 27 Oct 1999 13:20:44 +0100

> well, no need for an official to crack your PGP key to read your private


> they just read the text as you read it on your screen!

Old news mate - the Tempest system's been around for years.... how do you think
*real* TV detector vans work!?


Message 34318

From :Tudor Davies <>
Subject: [afb] Re: AB News was PGP No Use
Date: Wed, 27 Oct 1999 14:21:39 +0200
> Alan - off to get a government-spec shielded monitor

Shouldn't that be:
Alan - off to find more interesting news from around the web

It's big, it's round, it's Alan Buxey's NEWSROUND
Forget ann, Czech,, etc - you need Alan...



Tudor Davies                         Running Amiga, Mac, PC & Unices
                                     Technology in Perfect Harmony                     
Visit         Specialist in Internet Security & ISP      Support (RADIUS, Firewalls & Routing)

Message 34319

From :"Alan L.M. Buxey" <>
Subject: [afb] Re: PGP? no use!
Date: Wed, 27 Oct 1999 13:23:39 +0100 (BST)
On Wed, 27 Oct 1999 wrote:

> Old news mate - the Tempest system's been around for years.... how do you think
> *real* TV detector vans work!?

only now has official NSA documentation been released....and TV
detection is a doddle...compared to the high bandwidth detection
required for a SVGA monitor 


Message 34320

From :"Alan L.M. Buxey" <>
Subject: [afb] Re: AB News was PGP No Use
Date: Wed, 27 Oct 1999 13:24:52 +0100 (BST)

> Shouldn't that be:
> Alan - off to find more interesting news from around the web

:-) - I only came across this because i went on the web to vote for my
favourite Amiga game (a link someone else supplied)... lycos is the
default start page


Message 34321

Subject: [afb] Re: PGP? no use!
Date: Wed, 27 Oct 1999 13:34:14 +0100

>> Old news mate - the Tempest system's been around for years.... how do you
>> *real* TV detector vans work!?

> only now has official NSA documentation been released....and TV
> detection is a doddle...compared to the high bandwidth detection
> required for a SVGA monitor

So we have to wait for the NSA until anything's official?  TV and VGA shouldn't
make too much difference for these purposes - the sync signal which is put out
as RF "interference" will be of a different frequency is all - the rest of the
technology is the same.

"Alan Buxey's Newsround" - hehehehehe; I like that....


Message 34322

From :"Sealey, M." <>
Subject: [afb] Re: HELP- Checksum error
Date: Wed, 27 Oct 1999 13:31:34 +0100
> Please can someone help me. My computer crashed at the end of 
> installing NC3, at the "Run Genesis Wizard - Yes No" screen.
> I now cannot fully access or run anything on the partition that
> I installed NC3 to.
> I get the message "Checksum Error at Block xxxx". I also get 
> the "Volume not Validated" error message.

Is it me or is there a spate of nasty faults cropping up before
our eyes? Or has my "I'll fix yer startup!" provoked a tech
support frenzy? Oh no!

> Before the installation I had used 40% of the 2Gig partition, it now
> says 100% used with nothing free.
> I cannot delete or run any programs on this partition. Is there anyway
> of recovering from this without reformatting the partition ? If I have
> to its no great loss, just annoying that I have to start from scratch
> again.

Get Disksalv 2 off the Aminet. Run it in Repair mode. That's all you
can do without copying it ALL off and reformatting..
Matt Sealey 
Distributed Systems Support
Computer Centre
University of Leicester

Message 34323

From :"Alan L.M. Buxey" <>
Subject: [afb] Re: Problems problems....
Date: Wed, 27 Oct 1999 13:32:29 +0100 (BST)

> under pusle jet
>    its the archived ones which I'm having troubles with

i'll have a look.
> b) Im having a few troubles with my web site-
>  IBrowse1.2 wont scale the gfx, so they don't fit a table and AWeb3.2

use 2.1 or AWeb 3.3 - and say what happens

> could you CC replies to please (for
> the reasons above)



Message 34324

From :"Oliver Marks" <>
Subject: [afb] Redhat via Ftp
Date: 28 Oct 99 13:46:33 -0500

Has anyone installed linux apus via ftp because when you start linux
it lets you install red hat from a ftp site but there are no drivers.

Where can i get the driver and how easy is it to do i have a very fast
free internet access 24 hours a day at present.

Linux is allways complaining about the redhat installation on my
partition even though i spent about an hour downloading all the files.

Can anyone help.

Message 34325

Subject: [afb] Re: Modem And BT Trouble
Date: Wed, 27 Oct 1999 06:57:03 -0700
"alan l.m. buxey" wrote: 

>, let me get this right...they are installing these DACS devices
> everywhere...which means that the faster modems now fall down and
> operate at < the only way you get a fast connection is to
> use ISDN via BT Home Highway....

BT is only obligated to provide a speech circuit to its customers.
If someone orders a line and we have no spare lineplant in the area
and it would either take a long time or a lot of money to solution
then DACS is a fully OFTEL approved method of providing service.
We even fit DACS units on existing customers lines to free up lines
for other customers if required. It is by no means the first choice
of service as they are more expensive than doing a small cable/duct
job. If a customer then tries to use a modem on a normal speech line
then as far as BT is concerned it is just luck if it works or not,
that is why they have come up with special services such as Highway
and ISDN2E to cover these customers requirements. None of these data
services have to be supplied by BT which is why they are usually
subject to a survey first so we can decide if it will work where you
live or if it would just cost us too much money to provide!

Message 34326

From :"Sealey, M." <>
Subject: [afb] Re: Modem And BT Trouble
Date: Wed, 27 Oct 1999 14:00:38 +0100
> "alan l.m. buxey" wrote: 
> >, let me get this right...they are installing these DACS devices
> > everywhere...which means that the faster modems now fall down and
> > operate at < the only way you get a fast connection is to
> > use ISDN via BT Home Highway....
> BT is only obligated to provide a speech circuit to its customers.
> If someone orders a line and we have no spare lineplant in the area
> and it would either take a long time or a lot of money to solution
> then DACS is a fully OFTEL approved method of providing service.
> We even fit DACS units on existing customers lines to free up lines
> for other customers if required. [snip] None of these data
> services have to be supplied by BT which is why they are usually
> subject to a survey first so we can decide if it will work where you
> live or if it would just cost us too much money to provide!

In other words, the UK telephone network is up to bursting point,
and there's nothing BT or ANY OTHER company can do about it, other
than lay MORE cables. Which takes time, costs money, and causes
traffic jams :)

Matt Sealey 
Distributed Systems Support
Computer Centre
University of Leicester

Message 34327

Subject: [afb] Re: Modem And BT Trouble
Date: Wed, 27 Oct 1999 14:08:54 +0100

> BT is only obligated to provide a speech circuit to its customers.
> If someone orders a line and we have no spare lineplant in the area

Ok - that's BT's "official" side of the story...
But surely if your modem has the green "Approved for use with BT...." sticker
(which all should) you should *expect* your line to be able to cope with it?

BT should *never* have been privitised IMO.  Communications are as vital as
water and power.... hang on, they've gone too.....  Says a lot about this
country, doesn't it?


Message 34328

From :"Sealey, M." <>
Subject: [afb] Re: Modem And BT Trouble
Date: Wed, 27 Oct 1999 14:07:53 +0100
> > BT is only obligated to provide a speech circuit to its customers.
> > If someone orders a line and we have no spare lineplant in the area
> <Snip>
> Ok - that's BT's "official" side of the story...
> But surely if your modem has the green "Approved for use with 
> BT...." sticker (which all should) you should *expect* your
> line to be able to cope with it?
> BT should *never* have been privitised IMO.  Communications 
> are as vital as water and power.... hang on, they've gone
> too.....  Says a lot about this country, doesn't it?

Actually it says more about all the other countries around -
they're the ones BUYING our commodities up - France, Germany,
the US. And they're the ones fecking it up.

Granted, BT are a UK company :)

Matt Sealey 
Distributed Systems Support
Computer Centre
University of Leicester

Message 34329

Subject: [afb] Games coming out of the woodwork!
Date: Wed, 27 Oct 1999 07:08:02 -0700
Hello All.

With regards to Mikro Mortal Tennis,
The latest demo is available from the epic german website at:

I have spoken to Malcolm at Epic, apparently the game is completely
finished, it was signed up by their german arm at the italian Amiga

He has promised to forward more information on to me and as soon as I
have it I will post here further. The game is expected to retail around
the =A315.00 ukp mark. It will run on any Amiga with 1mb ram (or more)
and if the fighting bit is still there, it`s worth the money. 

Epic are most likely taking pre-orders.

Hell Squad. 

Remember this Gem from Vulcan? there were jaw dropping screenshots on a
CU CD or was it Format CD a long while ago. 
Anyhow the game has now been picked up by Digital Dreams Entertainment. 

Hell Squad is an action Adventure type game (ala wasted dreams but
viewed side on. The graphics are still awesome. A downloadable demo of
this game can be obtained via..

The game will run on virtually any Amiga with 3mb ram and CD rom.

That's it for now, More information as soon as I have it.


Mikey C
Amiga Yellow Pages.    

Message 34330

Subject: [afb] OS3.5 and Miami
Date: Wed, 27 Oct 1999 06:14:34 -0700
I've read in a few spots now that the version of Miami on OS3.5 is the

Does this mean it warns after 30 minutes and times out after 1 hour?

Or is it just not as fully featured as the registered version?

I'll be getting a copy of 3.5 once it reaches these Antipodean shores,
if Miami is just a demo version, I might as well register now. I was
for 3.5 in the seemingly mistaken belief that it included a full

So, what's the story?


Message 34331

From :"Ben Vost" <>
Subject: [afb] Re: OS3.5 and Miami
Date: Wed, 27 Oct 1999 14:12:14 +0100

> I've read in a few spots now that the version of Miami on OS3.5 is the
> demo.

> Does this mean it warns after 30 minutes and times out after 1 hour?


> Or is it just not as fully featured as the registered version?


> I'll be getting a copy of 3.5 once it reaches these Antipodean shores,
> but
> if Miami is just a demo version, I might as well register now. I was
> waiting
> for 3.5 in the seemingly mistaken belief that it included a full
> version.

> So, what's the story?

There was going to be a special version of Miami for OS3.5, but H&P and
Holger Kruse ran out of time to put it in. There may well be a special
version in the future, but it still wouldn't be as good as the registered
version (why would Holger make a version that was as good that he got no
money from?).

All the best,
Ben Vost (x2337)                T: (+44) 01225 442244
Editor, Amiga Format            F: (+44) 01225 732275
             PGP key available upon request
Just want the news on what's going to be
in the next issue of Amiga Format? Go to

Message 34332

From :"James" <>
Subject: [afb] Bit of a prob...
Date: Wed, 27 Oct 1999 13:12:49 GMT
I've got a bit of a problem with my CD. If I boot up with CD0: 
in devs/dosdrivers/ then my CD very rarely works. However, 
if I take it out and run it manually after booting up everything 
works fine. I guess the CD just isn't waking up quick enough 
for the Amiga. Is there anything I can do to make it work?
I am using cacheCDFS.

James Rollison

Message 34333

From :"Sealey, M." <>
Subject: [afb] Re: OS3.5 and Miami
Date: Wed, 27 Oct 1999 14:22:25 +0100
> > I'll be getting a copy of 3.5 once it reaches these 
> > Antipodean shores, but if Miami is just a demo
> > version, I might as well register now. I was
> > waiting for 3.5 in the seemingly mistaken belief
> > that it included a full version.
> > So, what's the story?
> There was going to be a special version of Miami for OS3.5, 
> but H&P and Holger Kruse ran out of time to put it in. There
> may well be a special version in the future,

According to the LastMinute docs on the CD, H&P are going to
make the Miami OEM available later. God knows how..

> but it still wouldn't be as good as the registered
> version (why would Holger make a version that was as good 
> that he got no money from?).

Why indeed? Anyone worth their salt would get Miami Deluxe
anyway. Well, I would if I could find the willpower to get
my debit card out and spend more money :)

Matt Sealey 
Distributed Systems Support
Computer Centre
University of Leicester

Message 34334

Subject: [afb] Re: Modem And BT Trouble
Date: Wed, 27 Oct 1999 14:40:28 +0100

>> BT should *never* have been privitised IMO.  Communications
>> are as vital as water and power.... hang on, they've gone
>> too.....  Says a lot about this country, doesn't it?

> Actually it says more about all the other countries around -
> they're the ones BUYING our commodities up - France, Germany,
> the US. And they're the ones fecking it up.

True, but...

> Granted, BT are a UK company :)


What annoys me is when people say "we get a much better service than when it was
government owned" (and I've heard it said about all the sold-off companies) - it
makes me wonder why they couldn't have been run *like* a private company but
remained owned by the government.


Message 34335

From :"james" <>
Subject: [afb] AFCD Install
Date: Wed, 27 Oct 1999 13:46:02 GMT
Ben, you know the install program on the CD's that installs 
It would be nice if it asked before installing installer as well, 
in my case overwriting Savage Installer.

James Rollison

Message 34336

From :"Ben Vost" <>
Subject: [afb] Re: AFCD Install
Date: Wed, 27 Oct 1999 14:47:38 +0100
Hi james,

> Ben, you know the install program on the CD's that installs 
> AFCDview? 
> It would be nice if it asked before installing installer as well, 
> in my case overwriting Savage Installer.

Good point. Sorry about that James, I'm sure Oliver will sort it.

All the best,
Ben Vost (x2337)                T: (+44) 01225 442244
Editor, Amiga Format            F: (+44) 01225 732275
             PGP key available upon request
I know Karate, Kung Fu, and 47 other dangerous words.

Message 34337

From :"Alan L.M. Buxey" <>
Subject: [afb] Re: Modem And BT Trouble
Date: Wed, 27 Oct 1999 15:13:24 +0100 (BST)
On Wed, 27 Oct 1999 wrote:

> BT is only obligated to provide a speech circuit to its customers.
> If someone orders a line and we have no spare lineplant in the area
> and it would either take a long time or a lot of money to solution
> then DACS is a fully OFTEL approved method of providing service.

seems a bit convenient that BT can install these devices which mean that
the only way of getting a decent connection to the Net is via the BT
ISDN solution (and forthcoming ADSL ...ha ha)........


Message 34338

From :"Alan L.M. Buxey" <>
Subject: [afb] Re: Games coming out of the woodwork!
Date: Wed, 27 Oct 1999 15:17:14 +0100 (BST)

> With regards to Mikro Mortal Tennis,
> The latest demo is available from the epic german website at:

se, i'm not the only one URL'ing ;-)

> Remember this Gem from Vulcan? there were jaw dropping screenshots on a
> CU CD or was it Format CD a long while ago.
> Anyhow the game has now been picked up by Digital Dreams Entertainment.
> Hell Squad is an action Adventure type game (ala wasted dreams but
> viewed side on. The graphics are still awesome. A downloadable demo of
> this game can be obtained via..


got them both now..thanks!

oh, by the way..i'm now using NeoPlanet. it has totally changed my
experience of browsing the web when i have to use a windows PC. anyone
else using it? I'd rather see NeoPlanet ported to the Amiga than
Netscape! ;-)


Message 34339

From :Chris Andrews <>
Subject: [afb] NeoPlanet
Date: Wed, 27 Oct 1999 14:19:02 +0000 (GMT)
On Wed, 27 Oct 1999, Alan L.M. Buxey wrote:
> oh, by the way..i'm now using NeoPlanet. it has totally changed my
> experience of browsing the web when i have to use a windows PC. anyone
> else using it? I'd rather see NeoPlanet ported to the Amiga than
> Netscape! ;-)

  Do you not have to have IE installed first though.  I think that it uses
it's DLLs.


Message 34340

Subject: [afb] Re: Seperating threads was NeoPlanet
Date: Wed, 27 Oct 1999 08:26:57 -0700
chris andrews <> wrote: 
original article:
> On Wed, 27 Oct 1999, Alan L.M. Buxey wrote:
> > oh, by the way..i'm now using NeoPlanet. it has totally changed my
> > experience of browsing the web when i have to use a windows PC.
> > else using it? I'd rather see NeoPlanet ported to the Amiga than
> > Netscape! ;-)
>   Do you not have to have IE installed first though.  I think that it
> it's DLLs.

Wow what a refreshing change, someone who continues a thread but under
a seperate heading.

Now why doesn't everyone else do that? You only have to look at the
OS3.5 Pirated thread. I post about how it has been pirated, terrible,
etc and it goes of on a tangent about how to kick people of IRC's etc.

Well Done Chris.


Mikey C

Message 34341

Subject: [afb] Re: Seperating threads was NeoPlanet
Date: Wed, 27 Oct 1999 08:27:00 -0700
chris andrews <> wrote: 
original article:
> On Wed, 27 Oct 1999, Alan L.M. Buxey wrote:
> > oh, by the way..i'm now using NeoPlanet. it has totally changed my
> > experience of browsing the web when i have to use a windows PC.
> > else using it? I'd rather see NeoPlanet ported to the Amiga than
> > Netscape! ;-)
>   Do you not have to have IE installed first though.  I think that it
> it's DLLs.

Wow what a refreshing change, someone who continues a thread but under
a seperate heading.

Now why doesn't everyone else do that? You only have to look at the
OS3.5 Pirated thread. I post about how it has been pirated, terrible,
etc and it goes off on a tangent about how to kick people of IRC's etc.

Well Done Chris.


Mikey C

Message 34342

Subject: [afb] Re: Home egroups problem
Date: Wed, 27 Oct 1999 08:32:49 -0700
> >  This is really annoying.  No matter how many times i click the
> > button it still takes me back to "goto
> > logout".  Even after a refresh its still there.
> Delete the cookie, it should be a file in the Cache directory.
Voyager will
> forget you were ever logged in!

Hi Danny.

Thanks for this.  I actually sorted this out Monday at KickStart due to
Chris Green saying the same thing (I didnt read this until Wednesday). 
The problem then was that Egroups wouldnt let me back into it saying it
hadnt returned the cookie.

Fine, I thought.  I had this problem originally and somehow got past it
(but I couldnt remember how!)  So tomorrow I`ll try everything possible
to get it back into working order.

Thankfully, I didnt need to.  NetConnect3 dropped onto my doormat the
next morning (well, not striclty true: my flatmate placed it outside my
bedroom door (very nice supprise it was too :) )) and I installed this.
 Having V3 crash my computer several times I downloaded the V3Pre4
version from Vapors website (people on the netconnect mailing list said
this version worked) and replaced the V executable with the Pre4
version.  And ran Voyager succesfullt.

Accesed Egroups and told voyager to accept the cookie and now all works
fine (though I have to use the site as the
.wwww. site screws up the individual posts).

Thanks for your help though.

Bifford the Youngest.

Message 34343

Subject: [afb] Re: Seperating threads was NeoPlanet
Date: Wed, 27 Oct 1999 15:36:59 +0100

> Wow what a refreshing change, someone who continues a thread but under
> a seperate heading.

...but even more annoying is getting the same post more than once...


Message 34344

From :Chris Andrews <>
Subject: [afb] Thanking Mikey.
Date: Wed, 27 Oct 1999 14:45:31 +0000 (GMT)
On Wed, 27 Oct 1999 wrote:
> Wow what a refreshing change, someone who continues a thread but under
> a seperate heading.
> Well Done Chris.


  Pointless Chris

Message 34345

From :Patrice Champarou <>
Subject: [afb] Re: Modem And BT Trouble
Date: Wed, 27 Oct 1999 16:55:30 +0100
  Hello, you happy tax-payers!

Sorry to interfere, but On 27-Oct-99, you wrote:
>>> BT should *never* have been privitised IMO.  Communications
>>> are as vital as water and power...
And I deeply agree with that!
> hang on, they've gone too.....  Says a lot about this country, doesn't =
But...! WHAT do you think is happening in France? =

>> Actually it says more about all the other countries around -
>> they're the ones BUYING our commodities up - France, Germany,
>> the US. And they're the ones fecking it up.
Come, come, if governments decide to give up their monopols,  you can
expect anything, whatever the private companies "nationalities". =

> What annoys me is when people say "we get a much better service than wh=
> it was government owned"
Do you, actually? I felt it was only a bit more expensive! But you know, =
best way to convince people that privatisation would be a good thing is t=
run the service as badly as possible.
> it makes me wonder why they couldn't have been run *like* a
> private company but remained owned by the government.
That's what France-T=E9l=E9com is doing... selling shares, and at the sam=
e time
allowing  the sharks to get their piece of the cake.

  Best regards,


Message 34346

Subject: [afb] Re: Modem And BT Trouble
Date: Wed, 27 Oct 1999 16:05:41 +0100

>> What annoys me is when people say "we get a much better service than when
>> it was government owned"

> Do you, actually? I felt it was only a bit more expensive! But you know, the
> best way to convince people that privatisation would be a good thing is to
> run the service as badly as possible.

We do get a better service in some areas, but yes, it's more expensive!!


Message 34347

From :"Daniel Thornton" <>
Subject: [afb] Re: Games coming out of the woodwork!
Date: 27 Oct 99 15:32:41 +0100
On Wed, 27 Oct 1999 15:17:14 +0100 (BST), Alan L=2EM=2E Buxey wibbled=2E=2E=

> oh, by the way=2E=2Ei'm now using NeoPlanet=2E it has totally changed my
> experience of browsing the web when i have to use a windows PC=2E anyone
> else using it? I'd rather see NeoPlanet ported to the Amiga than
> Netscape! ;-)

Neoplanet is just a skin set for Internet Exploder=2E IE is crap=2E Nuff

The Wibble- http://www=2Ethewibble=2Eco=2Euk -Karma Karma Karma Karma Karma=
 In this weeks not-quite-Halloween Special=2E=2E=2EJeff Banks is still Touc=
Cloth=2E=2E=2EBuddha Holly enlightens us=2E=2E=2EThe Sweeney Tadpoles swear=
 a bit=2E=2E=2Eand
     we exclusively bring you the original pilot script for The A-Team

Message 34348

From :Chris Andrews <>
Subject: [afb] "IE is cr*p".
Date: Wed, 27 Oct 1999 15:32:27 +0000 (GMT)
On 27 Oct 1999, Daniel Thornton wrote:
> Neoplanet is just a skin set for Internet Exploder. IE is crap. Nuff
> said.

  Is it?  I used to think so too.  But I've been using IE5 on NT for about

  I'm made up with it.  It's a good piece of software.  Sure it's a bit
confusing when things (in the UI) are not where you expect them to be.
But a) It's stable, b) it's turbo quick for a windows program and c) it's
a fully (Yes FULLY) feature browser.

  Netscape on the other hand is slow, doesn't implement thing as properly
(W3C) as IE and falls over more than my netthew.

  So there!  That's my mine made up.



Message 34349

Subject: [afb] Re: Games coming out of the woodwork!
Date: Wed, 27 Oct 1999 09:44:14 -0700
Going back to the original heading... Has anyone heard anything from
AliveMediasoft of late about PuttySquad? It was meant to be released
quite some time ago too.


Message 34350

From :"Tony Horgan" <>
Subject: [afb] Re: Soundstudio 2?
Date: Wed, 27 Oct 1999 12:46:39 +0100
Hi James

> Just read a review in a PC mag of the Win32 version of OMSS. Reading also
> that version 2 was planned for release next year (in Windows, BeOs and
> flavours), it set me wondering what had happened to the Amiga OMSS 2
> project? You know, the one that was going to use AHI?

It's in development at the moment. You can find out about it on the OctaMED
mailing list.


Message 34351

From :"Tony Horgan" <>
Subject: [afb] Re: Soundstudio 2?
Date: Wed, 27 Oct 1999 12:48:03 +0100
> ? Well, the version of OSS that I have uses AHI - i'm sure, because i
> recorded direct to HD with it and filesave option.

It doesn't, it has its own direct to disk recording features.


Message 34352

From :Matthew Garrett <>
Subject: [afb] Re: PGP? no use!
Date: Wed, 27 Oct 1999 16:45:10 +0100
On Wed, Oct 27, 1999 at 01:23:39PM +0100, Alan L.M. Buxey wrote:

> only now has official NSA documentation been released....and TV
> detection is a doddle...compared to the high bandwidth detection
> required for a SVGA monitor 

But they demonstrated this on Tomorrow's World yonks ago, didn't they?

Matthew Garrett |

(Oct 27 16:42:38 cavan bootpd[24528]: bad addr len from Ethernet address 
52:41:53:20:D0:68 - who is 52:41:53:20:d0:68, and why are they sending me
malformed bootp packets? Join us next week as Matthew tries to hunt down
the offending ethernet interface and destroy it with a hammer.)

(Although I do now have NIS working on my RS/6000. And have discovered
that SSH doesn't compile on AIX 3.2.3. Hnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnngh.)

Message 34353

Subject: [afb] Re: Games coming out of the woodwork!
Date: Wed, 27 Oct 1999 09:51:47 -0700 wrote: 
original article:
> Going back to the original heading... Has anyone heard anything from
> AliveMediasoft of late about PuttySquad? It was meant to be released
> quite some time ago too.

You noticed too huh?

Apparently, Alivemedia soft have this habit of signing up things and
then never releasing them.

(and that is not just my opinion either)

With regards to Putty Squad, I reckon it will be released six months
after the last working Amiga on earth is put away.

I hope they follow through with Gold Ed.


Mikey C

Message 34354

From :"Sealey, M." <>
Subject: [afb] Re: "Netscape is cr*pper than IE"
Date: Wed, 27 Oct 1999 16:53:48 +0100
> On 27 Oct 1999, Daniel Thornton wrote:
> > Neoplanet is just a skin set for Internet Exploder. IE is crap. Nuff
> > said.
> Is it?  I used to think so too.  But I've been using IE5 on 
> NT for about 2 months now (THEY MADE MY DUMP MY LINUX BOX!!!

Men in suits, ditching computer platforms! Look out!

> I'm made up with it.  It's a good piece of software.  Sure 
> it's a bit confusing when things (in the UI) are not where
> you expect them to be.

If you use it long enough, I find you start expecting GUI
elements to be in strange places. Then again, in Netscape 3.03,
'Enable Javascript' is under Network settings..

> But a) It's stable,

On a good day :) I've had my fair share of crashes with it,
with fairly plain and boring errors (divide by zero, invalid
exception in some freak plugin module).

But anything is better than IE4. Or Netscape4 :)

> b) it's turbo quick for a windows program 
> and c) it's a fully (Yes FULLY) feature browser.
> Netscape on the other hand is slow, doesn't implement thing 
> as properly (W3C) as IE and falls over more than my nephew.

Ah, now when you talk about standards compliance you don't
have much of a stand. People would love you to beleive that
IE5 doesn't support as many standards as Netscape. The truth
is that it supports MORE standards (or more OF standards), it
just implements them in not-so-standard ways.

Given that none of the standards by the W3C give any
guidelines on implementation, it's up to the implementor
to decide how an element acts. Unfortunately for Microsoft,
they got most of it wrong.

As it stands IE trounces Netscape 4.6 (what version is it
on?) in every field. However, if they ever finish Mozilla,
it will kick IE's ass somewhat rotten.

If they ever finish Mozilla :)

>   So there!  That's my mine made up.

Matt Sealey 
Distributed Systems Support
Computer Centre
University of Leicester

Message 34355

From :"Ben Vost" <>
Subject: [afb] Re: Games coming out of the woodwork!
Date: Wed, 27 Oct 1999 16:49:14 +0100

> Going back to the original heading... Has anyone heard anything from
> AliveMediasoft of late about PuttySquad? It was meant to be released
> quite some time ago too.

There were problems because System3 were bought out.

All the best,
Ben Vost (x2337)                T: (+44) 01225 442244
Editor, Amiga Format            F: (+44) 01225 732275
             PGP key available upon request
How many mice does it take to screw in a light bulb?
Only two - but it's difficult to get them in there.

Message 34356

From :"Ben Vost" <>
Subject: [afb] Re: Games coming out of the woodwork!
Date: Wed, 27 Oct 1999 16:50:16 +0100

> Apparently, Alivemedia soft have this habit of signing up things and
> then never releasing them.

It's nothing to do with Alive this time (qv my last email).

All the best,
Ben Vost (x2337)                T: (+44) 01225 442244
Editor, Amiga Format            F: (+44) 01225 732275
             PGP key available upon request
Excuse for the day: bad ether in the cables

Message 34357

Subject: [afb] Re: Games coming out of the woodwork!
Date: Wed, 27 Oct 1999 10:01:46 -0700
"ben vost" <> wrote: 
original article:
> Hi,
> > Apparently, Alivemedia soft have this habit of signing up things and
> > then never releasing them.
> It's nothing to do with Alive this time (qv my last email).

Fair enough, I retract my last statement.

BTW Ben, how about the Mikro Mortal Tennis and Hell Squad demo on a


Mikey C

Message 34358

From :Chris Andrews <>
Subject: [afb] Re: "Netscape is cr*pper than IE"
Date: Wed, 27 Oct 1999 16:02:44 +0000 (GMT)
On Wed, 27 Oct 1999, Sealey, M. wrote:
> Men in suits, ditching computer platforms! Look out!

  Not to worry I have VMWare!

> If you use it long enough, I find you start expecting GUI
> elements to be in strange places. Then again, in Netscape 3.03,
> 'Enable Javascript' is under Network settings..

  Yep, it appears to be all over the place at times.  Alough nothing comes
close to the GUI from hell: ICQ! 
> > But a) It's stable,
> On a good day :) I've had my fair share of crashes with it,
> with fairly plain and boring errors (divide by zero, invalid
> exception in some freak plugin module).

  I've not had one.  Maybe I've got things to come ;)  I did with 95, just
not on NT.

> Ah, now when you talk about standards compliance you don't
> have much of a stand. People would love you to beleive that
> IE5 doesn't support as many standards as Netscape. The truth
> to decide how an element acts. Unfortunately for Microsoft,
> they got most of it wrong.

  Sorry?  It sounds like you agree with me, then dissagree?  IE lays
things out hwo you'd expect.  Netscape crys alot.  IE implements things,
netscape carry on regardless on their merry way.

> As it stands IE trounces Netscape 4.6 (what version is it
> on?) in every field. However, if they ever finish Mozilla,
> it will kick IE's ass somewhat rotten.

  Navigator 4.7, Communicator 4.6.   Lets hope the Mozilla effort pulls it
off, this will give me some faith in open source.  One thing that I don't,
on the whole, agree with.  When does the Gecko rendering engine start?


Message 34359

From :"james" <>
Subject: [afb] Re: "IE is cr*p".
Date: Wed, 27 Oct 1999 16:08:40 GMT
>   I'm made up with it.  It's a good piece of software.  Sure it's a
>   bit
> confusing when things (in the UI) are not where you expect them to be.
> But a) It's stable, b) it's turbo quick for a windows program 
Really? You obviously haven't tried Opera then.

>   Netscape on the other hand is slow, doesn't implement thing as
>   properly (W3C) as IE and falls over more than my netthew.
Yes Netscape is slow and unstable. But you can't say it doesn't 
implement things as well as IE. MS deliberately make things 
incompatible with Netscape and implement new "standards" that 
only IE can use. That isn't Netscape's fault.

James Rollison

Message 34360

From :"Sealey, M." <>
Subject: [afb] Spiralling into off-topic oblivion, was "Netscape is cr*ppe r than IE"
Date: Wed, 27 Oct 1999 17:14:24 +0100
> On Wed, 27 Oct 1999, Sealey, M. wrote:
> > Men in suits, ditching computer platforms! Look out!
>   Not to worry I have VMWare!

Is that any good, then? Some people say it's great and
some people say it sucks - but there is no middle ground
as far as I can see.. what's your honest opinion
> > If you use it long enough, I find you start expecting GUI
> > elements to be in strange places. Then again, in Netscape 3.03,
> > 'Enable Javascript' is under Network settings..
> Yep, it appears to be all over the place at times.  Alough=20
> nothing comes close to the GUI from hell: ICQ!=20

<anim=E9> Noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo! </anim=E9>

> > > But a) It's stable,
> >=20
> > On a good day :) I've had my fair share of crashes with it,
> > with fairly plain and boring errors (divide by zero, invalid
> > exception in some freak plugin module).
> I've not had one.  Maybe I've got things to come ;)  I did=20
> with 95, just not on NT.

Well I've not tried it on NT. The version of IE5 we have=20
with Win2K is about 2000 builds ahead, so we expect it not
to fail. Not really a fair test, is it?

IE5 here (Office 2000 build 2614.3500) It tends to throw
up a lot on Windows98SE, especially if you corrupt the cache
(by turning off your machine in the middle of a download :)

> > Ah, now when you talk about standards compliance you don't
> > have much of a stand. People would love you to beleive that
> > IE5 doesn't support as many standards as Netscape. The truth
> [SNIP]
> > to decide how an element acts. Unfortunately for Microsoft,
> > they got most of it wrong.
> Sorry?  It sounds like you agree with me, then dissagree?

IE implements standards, more than Netscape, but it implements
them in such a screwy way, and sometimes enhances them too much
from the original specs. So IE can do rollovers without link
tags enclosing the <IMG> (as in <IMG onMouseOver=3D"js:whtevr()">
which is part of the standard, but it publicises the fact that
Netscape can't do it, and that you can use any one of 5 extra
onXX events exclusive to IE - Microsoft Extensions if you will.

Not that it's bad - if Netscape just implemented those tags
we'd be alright. But they're a stubborn bunch of Microsoft=20
haters :)

> things out hwo you'd expect.  Netscape crys alot.  IE=20
> implements things, netscape carry on regardless on their
> merry way.

Not without crashing first :)

> > As it stands IE trounces Netscape 4.6 (what version is it
> > on?) in every field. However, if they ever finish Mozilla,
> > it will kick IE's ass somewhat rotten.
> Navigator 4.7, Communicator 4.6.   Lets hope the Mozilla=20
> effort pulls it off, this will give me some faith in open
> source.  One thing that I don't, on the whole, agree with.
> When does the Gecko rendering engine start?

Ages ago, you can download Milestone 10 from
It's pretty neat, but has a non-standard GUI (why they don't
just abstract and use the OS native stuff I'll never know)
and is full of bugs (which they explain to you as you
download - here is 10Mb worth of browser, please read this
list of bugs you'll have to manually work around before
usage :)

Dragging it back on-topic - if the real Mozilla is going
this 'badly' I dread to think what's happened to aMozillaX

Matt Sealey
Distributed Systems Support
Computer Centre
University of Leicester

Message 34361

From :"Sealey, M." <>
Subject: [afb] Re: "IE is cr*p".
Date: Wed, 27 Oct 1999 17:20:41 +0100
> >   I'm made up with it.  It's a good piece of software.  Sure it's a
> >   bit confusing when things (in the UI) are not where you expect=20
> >   them to be. But a) It's stable, b) it's turbo quick for a
> >   windows program=20
> Really? You obviously haven't tried Opera then.

Opera costs =A330 - IE5 is free. Guess which one is more widely
used? :)
> >   Netscape on the other hand is slow, doesn't implement thing as
> >   properly (W3C) as IE and falls over more than my netthew.
> Yes Netscape is slow and unstable. But you can't say it doesn't=20
> implement things as well as IE. MS deliberately make things=20
> incompatible with Netscape and implement new "standards" that=20
> only IE can use. That isn't Netscape's fault.

There is nothing stopping W3C incorporating those "standards"
into the next revisions (some of the things MS do are quite
neat) and there is DEFINITELY nothing stopping Netscape implementing
them. They can SEE how IE handles them - what about if NS made
them better, faster, easier?

Matt Sealey
Distributed Systems Support
Computer Centre
University of Leicester

Message 34362

Subject: [afb] Re: Bit of a prob...
Date: Wed, 27 Oct 1999 10:27:21 -0700
> I've got a bit of a problem with my CD. If I boot up with CD0: 
> in devs/dosdrivers/ then my CD very rarely works. However, 
> if I take it out and run it manually after booting up everything 
> works fine. I guess the CD just isn't waking up quick enough 
> for the Amiga. Is there anything I can do to make it work?
> I am using cacheCDFS.

My machine hangs on boot if I leave a CD in the drive, but that sounds
different from what you're saying.

A hacky way round it might be to set the ACTIVATE tooltype of the
dosdriver to 0 (so it doesn't get loaded until it is used) and then
maybe at the end of your startup-sequence put a line like "dir cd0:
>nil: noreq" so that it tries to use CD0: (without putting up any
requesters) and thus activating it.

Message 34363

From :Chris Andrews <>
Subject: [afb] Re: "IE is cr*p".
Date: Wed, 27 Oct 1999 16:28:29 +0000 (GMT)
On Wed, 27 Oct 1999, james wrote:
> > b) it's turbo quick for a windows program 
> Really? You obviously haven't tried Opera then.

  I have and I didn't like it.  Anyway, another program being fast doesn't
make another program any slower now.  Does it?  Alough Opera has that neat
zooming feature, (which I can sort of emulate on X11 with Ctrl-Alt and the
+ and - keys).  It reminds me too much of that Mac thing, Bad Cat? (dog?).
Well, something like that.

> Yes Netscape is slow and unstable. But you can't say it doesn't 
> implement things as well as IE. MS deliberately make things 
> incompatible with Netscape and implement new "standards" that 
> only IE can use. That isn't Netscape's fault.

   ...and netscape are just as guilty of making things up as they go
along.  They are also big enough to make things awkard for IE and
implement IE's changes into their program stream.

  It doesn't always go Microsoft's way.  Remember ActiveX?

  It's the Amiga browser authors that I feel sorry for.  You can't really
say that they're playing catch up.   They are on a separate playing field!


Message 34364

From :"Ben Vost" <>
Subject: [afb] Re: Games coming out of the woodwork!
Date: Wed, 27 Oct 1999 17:24:23 +0100

> BTW Ben, how about the Mikro Mortal Tennis and Hell Squad demo on a
> future AF CD?

They will both be. They missed the next CD (which does have a groovy new AVI
from clickBOOM of their new game...), so they'll be on AFCD48.

All the best,
Ben Vost (x2337)                T: (+44) 01225 442244
Editor, Amiga Format            F: (+44) 01225 732275
             PGP key available upon request
       Calm down.  It's only ones and zeros.

Message 34365

From :"james" <>
Subject: [afb] Re: "IE is cr*p".
Date: Wed, 27 Oct 1999 16:36:11 GMT
> > > b) it's turbo quick for a windows program 
> > Really? You obviously haven't tried Opera then.
>   I have and I didn't like it.  Anyway, another program being fast
>   doesn't make another program any slower now. 

Yes it does, fast and slow are relative terms.

What I'm saying is, you can't really describe IE as fast when 
several other programs do the same thing much faster. IE5 only 
seems fast because you're used to IE4 or Netscape.

James Rollison

Message 34366

From :Chris Andrews <>
Subject: [afb] VMWare
Date: Wed, 27 Oct 1999 16:46:34 +0000 (GMT)
On Wed, 27 Oct 1999, Sealey, M. wrote:
> Is that any good, then? Some people say it's great and
> some people say it sucks - but there is no middle ground
> as far as I can see.. what's your honest opinion

  It's just bareable, unfortunatley.  I used to have NT running as a
VMWare session on my Linux machine.  This was great because I used Linux
as the main system, running neccesary tools on the NT "session" when
needed.  Alough, later on I was using StarOffice more and more.  This
replaces most of my need for windows apps.  But I needed to test stuff on
  The other way round isn't much fun.  VMware provides a DHCP service to
the NT session, so the networking is simple.  There is an X build that you
can install especially for the Linux within VMWare.  But when slowed down
(visually) is isn't fun anymore.  I guess you have to remember that it is
2 OSs sharing one set of resources.

  In all, I can't see myself using it that much from the NT end I now use
ReflectionX off of a Sun U2.  Which solves most of those problems ;) 

> Not that it's bad - if Netscape just implemented those tags
> we'd be alright. But they're a stubborn bunch of Microsoft 
> haters :)



Message 34367

From :"james" <>
Subject: [afb] Re: Bit of a prob...
Date: Wed, 27 Oct 1999 16:41:35 GMT
> A hacky way round it might be to set the ACTIVATE tooltype of the
> dosdriver to 0 (so it doesn't get loaded until it is used) and then
> maybe at the end of your startup-sequence put a line like "dir cd0:
> >nil: noreq" so that it tries to use CD0: (without putting up any
> requesters) and thus activating it.

That's not a bad idea, thanks. 
Actually, thinking about it, I could just leave cd0: in storage and 
put "execute sys:storage/cd0" at the end of my startup-sequence.

I'll give them both a try and see.

James Rollison

Message 34368

From :"Sealey, M." <>
Subject: [afb] Re: "IE is cr*p".
Date: Wed, 27 Oct 1999 17:47:48 +0100
> > > > b) it's turbo quick for a windows program=20
> > > Really? You obviously haven't tried Opera then.
> >=20
> >   I have and I didn't like it.  Anyway, another program being fast
> >   doesn't make another program any slower now.=20
> Yes it does, fast and slow are relative terms.

No it doesn't, faster and slower are relative terms.

When something is fast, it isn't slow just because something
is fastER.
> What I'm saying is, you can't really describe IE as fast when=20
> several other programs do the same thing much faster. IE5 only=20
> seems fast because you're used to IE4 or Netscape.

IE5 is faster than IE4 or Netscape. It is not fast - the speed
of light is fast, and IE5 doesn't get anywhere near it. But it
has enough speed for you not to have to sit tapping your fingers
on the desk.

Opera, on the other hand, costs =A330 just so you wait a little
less time.. most of that time is network transaction anyway,
which is highly dependant on the host server on the other end.

So is it worth it? Maybe, if you hate Microsoft that much.

Matt Sealey
Distributed Systems Support
Computer Centre
University of Leicester

Message 34369

From :"Sealey, M." <>
Subject: [afb] Re: Bit of a prob...
Date: Wed, 27 Oct 1999 17:49:17 +0100
> > A hacky way round it might be to set the ACTIVATE tooltype of the
> > dosdriver to 0 (so it doesn't get loaded until it is used) and then
> > maybe at the end of your startup-sequence put a line like "dir cd0:
> > >nil: noreq" so that it tries to use CD0: (without putting up any
> > requesters) and thus activating it.
> That's not a bad idea, thanks. 
> Actually, thinking about it, I could just leave cd0: in storage and 
> put "execute sys:storage/cd0" at the end of my startup-sequence.

LOL! You mean 'mount CD0:'

Mount will search the Storage directory for you IIRC..
Executing a DOSDriver won't work ;)

Matt Sealey 
Distributed Systems Support
Computer Centre
University of Leicester

Message 34370

From :Chris Andrews <>
Subject: [afb] Re: "IE is cr*p".
Date: Wed, 27 Oct 1999 16:49:30 +0000 (GMT)
On Wed, 27 Oct 1999, james wrote:
> >   I have and I didn't like it.  Anyway, another program being fast
> >   doesn't make another program any slower now. 
> Yes it does, fast and slow are relative terms.

  Exactly.  I was comparing it to the usual windows "standard".

  "it's turbo quick for a windows program"

> What I'm saying is, you can't really describe IE as fast when 
> several other programs do the same thing much faster. IE5 only 
> seems fast because you're used to IE4 or Netscape.

  ...and I didn't disagree with this.



Message 34371

From :"james" <>
Subject: [afb] Re: "IE is cr*p".
Date: Wed, 27 Oct 1999 16:45:04 GMT
> > Really? You obviously haven't tried Opera then.
> Opera costs =A330 - IE5 is free. Guess which one is more widely
> used? :)
Yes. It's a real shame that :(

Still, soon I'll get my Amiga online and then I can just stick with 
Ibrowse :)

James Rollison

Message 34372

From :"james" <>
Subject: [afb] Re: Bit of a prob...
Date: Wed, 27 Oct 1999 16:50:38 GMT
> > That's not a bad idea, thanks. 
> > Actually, thinking about it, I could just leave cd0: in storage and
> > put "execute sys:storage/cd0" at the end of my startup-sequence.
> LOL! You mean 'mount CD0:'
> Mount will search the Storage directory for you IIRC..
> Executing a DOSDriver won't work ;)

/me goes bright red...
Yes. I was forgetting that. 
Double-clicking on it works fine though. I guess the OS just 
detects it's a device and mounts it :)

James Rollison

Message 34373

From :"james" <>
Subject: [afb] Re: "IE is cr*p".
Date: Wed, 27 Oct 1999 16:59:54 GMT
> > Yes it does, fast and slow are relative terms.
> No it doesn't, faster and slower are relative terms.
> When something is fast, it isn't slow just because something
> is fastER.
Things are deemed fast or slow depending on whether they are 
faster or slower than other things.
IE5 is faster than IE4 and Netscape, but it is slower than Opera, 
Ibrowse, and Voyager. Therefore I don't think you can call it "fast" 
at best it is "medium paced".

> Opera, on the other hand, costs =A330 just so you wait a little
> less time.. most of that time is network transaction anyway,
> which is highly dependant on the host server on the other end.
> So is it worth it? Maybe, if you hate Microsoft that much.
Oh I think I do....  : )

James Rollison

Message 34374

From :"james" <>
Subject: [afb] Re: "IE is cr*p".
Date: Wed, 27 Oct 1999 17:01:39 GMT
>   Exactly.  I was comparing it to the usual windows "standard".
>   "it's turbo quick for a windows program"

But Opera is also a Windows program.

James Rollison

Message 34375

From :Patrice Champarou <>
Subject: [afb] Re: Bit of a prob...
Date: Wed, 27 Oct 1999 19:05:05 +0100
About CD drives' strange behaviours ( replying to 2 different messages )

> I've got a bit of a problem with my CD. If I boot up with CD0: 
> in devs/dosdrivers/ then my CD very rarely works. 
It's only started happening to me when I changed for a SCSI drive, though
the unit is always recognized during the first bootup.
> However, if I take it out and run it manually after booting up everything 
> works fine.
Same for me!
> I guess the CD just isn't waking up quick enough for the Amiga.
I would understand that, but not with a reboot! And the most incredible
thing is that the unit is still recognized ( ... but as "unknown"! )

( 2nd mail )
> My machine hangs on boot if I leave a CD in the drive, but that sounds
> different from what you're saying.
And my dealer ( who's got a 060 ) told me the same, while I never had *that*
problem when I had my capricious IDE Creative x32!

  I think it would be fine if somebody gave us a clear explanation. There
must be "hacky ways round it", but I'd like to understand!


Message 34376

From :Chris Andrews <>
Subject: [afb] Re: "IE is cr*p".
Date: Wed, 27 Oct 1999 17:11:49 +0000 (GMT)
On Wed, 27 Oct 1999, james wrote:
> >   Exactly.  I was comparing it to the usual windows "standard".
> > 
> >   "it's turbo quick for a windows program"
> But Opera is also a Windows program.


  Chris - my last post on the subject.


Message 34377

From :"Alan L.M. Buxey" <>
Subject: [afb] Re: OS3.5 and Miami
Date: Wed, 27 Oct 1999 18:13:17 +0100 (BST)
On Wed, 27 Oct 1999 wrote:

> I've read in a few spots now that the version of Miami on OS3.5 is the
> demo.
> Does this mean it warns after 30 minutes and times out after 1 hour?

oh dear. here we go. this is what happens when people spout rubbish
about 'demo' 

in answer, no its not a demo. 
> for 3.5 in the seemingly mistaken belief that it included a full
> version.

it does feature a full version...of the older Miami


Message 34378

From :"Alan L.M. Buxey" <>
Subject: [afb] Re: OS3.5 and Miami
Date: Wed, 27 Oct 1999 18:15:12 +0100 (BST)
On Wed, 27 Oct 1999, Ben Vost wrote:

> > Does this mean it warns after 30 minutes and times out after 1 hour?
> Yes.

> There was going to be a special version of Miami for OS3.5, but H&P and
> Holger Kruse ran out of time to put it in. There may well be a special
> version in the future, but it still wouldn't be as good as the registered
> version (why would Holger make a version that was as good that he got no
> money from?). this is the final story :-(

surely he could be given some percentage of takings.

to be brutally honest, it would be better to have NO tcp/ip stack in the
OS than to have a stupid 'time out' one.  this is ridiculous

luckily i'm a fully regged Miami user :-|


Message 34379

From :"Alan L.M. Buxey" <>
Subject: [afb] Re: NeoPlanet
Date: Wed, 27 Oct 1999 18:17:47 +0100 (BST)
On Wed, 27 Oct 1999, Chris Andrews wrote:

>   Do you not have to have IE installed first though.  I think that it uses
> it's DLLs.

dunno, you dont have to have v5 installed at any rate. thats all I can


Message 34380

From :"Alan L.M. Buxey" <>
Subject: [afb] Re: Games coming out of the woodwork!
Date: Wed, 27 Oct 1999 18:20:22 +0100 (BST)
On 27 Oct 1999, Daniel Thornton wrote:

> Neoplanet is just a skin set for Internet Exploder. IE is crap. Nuff
> said.

its *not* just a skin - or at least the new v4 isnt!

it uses the Gheko layout engine (From the Mozilla project) which is very
fast...and features a lot of other functions...basically it uses the
best of both Netscape and IE worlds....and its history window... whoah!
I'd like to see THAT in an Amiga browser  (it sorts it into days..)


Message 34381

From :"Alan L.M. Buxey" <>
Subject: [afb] Re: "Netscape is cr*pper than IE"
Date: Wed, 27 Oct 1999 18:23:58 +0100 (BST)
On Wed, 27 Oct 1999, Sealey, M. wrote:

> As it stands IE trounces Netscape 4.6 (what version is it
> on?) in every field. However, if they ever finish Mozilla,
> it will kick IE's ass somewhat rotten.

4.7  - 4.8 soon  ;-)

> If they ever finish Mozilla :)

yes...some exciting features.


Message 34382

From :"Alan L.M. Buxey" <>
Subject: [afb] Re: "Netscape is cr*pper than IE"
Date: Wed, 27 Oct 1999 18:25:14 +0100 (BST)
On Wed, 27 Oct 1999, Chris Andrews wrote:

>   Navigator 4.7, Communicator 4.6.   Lets hope the Mozilla effort pulls it
> off, this will give me some faith in open source.  One thing that I don't,
> on the whole, agree with.  When does the Gecko rendering engine start?

its running'll be in Netscape Communicator 5 I reckon...its so
much faster, it'll look like they really been working :-)


Message 34383

From :"Neil Bullock" <>
Subject: [afb] Re: Mikro Mortal Tennis
Date: Wed, 27 Oct 1999 18:31:26 +0100
> According to Czech Amiga News it will be making it's debut at the
> forthcoming
> Cologne Show. A demo is available for download from Czech.
> It looks as if Epic are releasing it.
> Perhaps the AF staff may wish to include the Demo on a forthcoming
> issue?

Oh god. I have to say that came up there with Fears on my top hated games
list. I hope it's improved since the last demo I saw.


Message 34384

From :"Alex Furmanski" <>
Subject: [afb] Re: Help to Cinema4D
Date: Wed, 27 Oct 1999 17:57:42 +0100
Hi Maarten

> > You can read the posts on the site if you like, search for Cinema4D
> will
> > probly do the trick.
> I'm only on the list for the last month. So sorry

You can access any messages posted ever.  Ever!  Even if you didn't receive
them, read them or whatever you do with them normally.  Just click the
little back arrow by the message numbers to scroll back.  A little
jiggery-pokery with the URL will let you read message 1 without clicking all
those many pages of buttons :-)  Or like I say, do a search ;-)

Tatty byes
Alex Furmanski -
ICQ - 51206302

This week's lie: The Dolby Surround Sound effect is in fact created by a
third person standing behind the listener, singing exactly 13/38th of a
second out of time.